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I thought this was cute and I was excited:) ZZero is not really inlove with my hubby he tollerates him, will take treats from and even land on him if hes got somthing he wants but if Jim tries to approach him no go he flys away. Well I have been doing stuff to try and get them together, Jim was sick in bed with the cold I just got over and I brought ZZero in to say hi while I got ready to go out. I left him there thinking he would perch at the end of the bed but when I came in he was cuddled up under Jims chin on one foot sleeping!! I was amazed and thought he knows hes sick and just wanted to make him feel better it was so cute and made me so happy !

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danmcq wrote:

She sounds like a great protector, didn't know you had a little Grey Doberman. :-) Next, Bella will be first taking sips and bites from any fluids or foods your partner offers to ensure no poisoning is taking place. ;-)


:laugh: She does do a formidable bark! My plate and cups are alread totally her business, but I suspect it's not to protect me, but rather to protect what she believes is her portion :laugh:


Today I tried to have a piece of angel food cake which I dunked in herbal tea. She went so nuts over that I finally just let her have it :S

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Terri you have one spoiled bird and she totally has you wrapped around her talon and you dang skippy she is protecting her portion, its only fair.:whistle:


Its nice to hear from you again Terri, you haven't been posting for a while, hope you are going to be here more often as you have been missed.:cheer:

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Have decided that I no longer have to think about investing in a shredder for mail, two more bills that came in are now unreable due to Mika helping with the mail.


Ah do you think I can use that excuse for not paying them:woohoo:


Little devil bird:angry:


Carolyn & Mika

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judygram wrote:

Terri you have one spoiled bird and she totally has you wrapped around her talon and you dang skippy she is protecting her portion, its only fair.:whistle:


Its nice to hear from you again Terri, you haven't been posting for a while, hope you are going to be here more often as you have been missed.:cheer:


:laugh: Judy! What can I say - I fell into the grey trap - she took me over slowly but surely!


We've got one more move (as far as I know :dry: at the end of this month - we'r in temporary housing right now - and after that I hope things will settle down, and I can chat with friends again and get back to a semi-normal life :laugh:


Different note - how many have a crazy grey in the morning???? Bella is a psycho bird in the morning :S She's so wild! She wants to horse around like crazy. She drops herself into my lap and kicks around play biting, she dangles around on my morning robe (which she loves - I can't figure out if it's the color - blue - or the material - silky) and play fights with my robe, she rubs her beak around in my hair, then she sits right on my chest and puts her foot on my mouth :lol: :lol: :lol: I can't describe it - she's just psycho in the morning! This goes on until she gets her breakfast.


I think I might be encouraging it because I play fight back with her, I blow rasberries on her belly, let her dangle from my fingers, roll her over on her back and tickle her belly. But sometimes she gets a little too wild - she ambushed me and knocked the coffee filter out of my hand and I had coffee grinds all over the kitchen :S I love playing with her, but she's psycho! :laugh:


Is your bird a morning psycho too? If so, do you play around too then?

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cflanny wrote:

I was amazed and thought he knows hes sick and just wanted to make him feel better it was so cute and made me so happy !


That's great cflanny! I haveno doubt they know when we're sick, and I believe they feel the need to care for us then.

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Carolyn wrote:

Have decided that I no longer have to think about investing in a shredder for mail, two more bills that came in are now unreable due to Mika helping with the mail.


Ah do you think I can use that excuse for not paying them:woohoo:


Little devil bird:angry:


Carolyn & Mika


Ah ha Carolyn! Isn't that the truth! Bella and I have this on going debate about my desk. She watches to see if I'm paying attention, and then sneaks over to nab a piece of paper (she has dozens of things she can shred - my desk is just more interesting!). When I catch her she flies to the chair and pretends she's preoccupied with something else :laugh:

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While waiting for Ana Grey to join my household, I spent alot of time running through the different bird supply sites buying toys galore. Today Ana is playing as she always does with her favorite-- several colorful plastic straws from my kitchen cabinet that I knotted together. Go figure!!!



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One of Klaus' latest sayings is, "You be a good bird, ok?".

Ok, Klaus. I'll be a good bird. LOL!

Also, you've heard it before, but it's a classic, when he tells himself to stop it! "Stop it! Stop it, Klaus!" as he attacks the molding in the doorway near his cage...

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Yesterday my parents came over.Alcazar loves his nana/my mom.SHe goes up to him "Awww nana's granfid I love you.You're nana's boy.My parents were here for an hour.During that time Alcazar got more attetion than I did from my mom.He was sucking it up for what it was worth.He was teling her I love you..Give me kiss..What a ham..Before my parents left my mom handed me $20.00 told me to go buy him a toy.My son just dropped hi jaw.As she was walking out the door my son got a $50.00.....lol...Dang maybe I better say Give me a kiss to her maybe I wouldve got that $20.00...haha :whistle:

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Alfie has put a hole in the 2 seater leather setee not satisfied with that he did the same on the 3 seater aswell his mum aint happy i just said hes only a baby she wants him 4 Christmas instead of turkey ha ha no Chance she will have 2 go First me n Alfie Rule our house xxxx

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I could do this every day. I have two dogs, Pogo and Tucker. Today (the first time I've heard this) Tobie spent about an hour bossing the dogs around. "Let's go, Lets go Pogo" and "Pogo come on now" and "Tucker stop that" and "Tucker come back down here". Then the big surprise "Give me a kiss Pogo.

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I was in kind of a hurry this morning to leave the house and start my car because my daughter and I were running late to get her off to school and there is tons of snow on the ground. When Punky saw me walking down the stairs to leave she flew after me. I was just going to leave her on the ground for a minute with my daughter because i'd be right back in after starting my car, but to my surprise she flew all the way down the stairs and tried to land on me. It was like her desperate attempt to not let me leave. It was so cute.

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Fun things your grey has done today or FUNNY things your grey has done today? lol


Kenzie was hanging off the bottom of her cage, like a bat, and she lost grip and starting flying like a wild woman....she flew right into the Christmas tree! It was only funny because she didn't get hurt. She was just chillin' there and then got pissed at the branch and started pecking it. She always knows we're to the rescue because she sticks her hand out like, "Help me!" hehehe

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I love this thread!!


Haven't been around much lately, my elderly and disabled mom has been in and out of the hospital a lot and I've stayed pretty busy. Jenna turned a year old on November 28. She's talking a bit more, and making a LOT more sounds. The odd one is that she announces "I love you" in the strangest, deep voice I have ever heard! I promise, I never say it to her like that! And she's putting words together more. Like most of our birds, she is constantly asking what I am doing, and I always answer her. Yesterday, she said quite clearly "What are you DOING, Jenna bird?" Little goofball Hehehe

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My wife calls me at 4am this morning..yes I am always up before then, especially when up here working in San Jose during weekdays, anyway......


She says, I just had to call you and tell you what I woke up to at 330am this morning....


The Dobermans started barking and going crazy in our bedroom. She tells them to go back to sleep and shut up...not happening. So she gets up, walks in the kitchen to get some coffe, with the dogs bolting in front of her and she hears something saying - may day, may day, going down, going down???? So shes like "What the Hell is that??".


She starts listening to the sound and determing where it's coming from in the family room and it turns out it's in the toy box. Evidently ouor G-Kids were over with their mother while Kim was at work yesterday and had placed that helicopter toy in the box.


So the dobies are now sniffing, barking at each other and chasing each other around playing, then Dayo starts saying "Wheres Kim? Wheres Kim? Lets go find Kim!!(my wifes name), Whistle, Whistle, come on Chloe (female Dobie) lets go, come here, come here.....


He's still in his cage, covered up, can't see anything, but obviously he was concerned something BIG was going down due to all this out of normal occurence at waaaaay to early in the middle of the night and wanted to go get MOM to ensure all was well!! :-)


So, it seems all back in the house had an early and exciting start this morning......

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Dan I thought you were going to say that Dayo was making the noise "may day, may day, going down, going down"


I don't know what to make of our 2. They have a game that they played last night where they chase each other around the house. They got up on the cupboards and the female rolls on her back for the male and he jumps on her with both feet. Well you should have heard her scream. The thing is she gets up and comes back for more. He then gets her head down and grabs her whole neck in his beak. It is so funny how she comes back for more and they stand there and our male comes towards her and she puts up her foot and gives him a few slaps around the head.


I used to worry about it at the start that they were hurting each other, but it seems like they love to play this way as the next minute they are the best of friends.

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Charlies new parrot tower came today. I was so excited and could not wait to set it up. Well 2 hours later Sheila is still setting it up and Charlie is sitting in his cage refusing to come out,looking at it as if its a big green monster.Sheila then gives up and put the bits and pieces that are causing problens in the car and heads off to the local diy store. Much to the amusement and general hilarity of the lads working there. I fluttered my eye lashes and persuaded one of the lads to show me where I was going wrong.I left the shop amidst lots of laughter and calls of lets see your bird love. I did not care I had one parrot tower well and truly sorted. Was charlie impressed, not a chance, He has only just decided it is safe to eat his dinner and venture out the cage, keeping one eye on the green monster in the window. Cracker likes it though. He sat on it and christned it with bird poop.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/23 22:30

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