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We have a topic about us called: WHAT ARE YOU DOING...


Talon and Rikki seem to think that it's more important what THEY ARE DOING.....so this is for them. :cheer:


Let's have a thread where we can come to share what our bird did that was new today! I get so excited sometimes, and I want to share it with others that would get as excited as I!


Today when I called my son from his room to take him to basketball practice, I yelled, "Josh!" immediately Talon said, "WHAT?" then she said, "Oh my God!" :laugh:


Also, I have been teaching Talon and Rikki to say, "MERRY CHRISTMAS, HO HO HO!" . That very same night, as I walked past the 2 of them in the kitchen, Talon said, 'MERRY CHRISTMAS", to which Rikki immediately replied, "HO HO HO!"


Now every morning, I wake up to Talon in my bedroom saying 'MERRY CHRIS,CHRIS, CO CO CO!" :laugh: :laugh:

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Oh how cute!!! :woohoo: .They are pretty smart for learning so quickly.



Today my b/f was on the computer and thought he left it on because past 4 days Alcazar has been saying Goodbye and he sounds exactly the way the computer says it. I didnt tell my b/f that hes been saying it.My b/f realized it was him and when I got back my b/f runs to me excitingly.It was funny.


Our fids are so hilarious.I know they make each one of us laugh at each once a day you have to agree.

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Great topic Talon :)


ZZero had a rough night somthing on my oven went wrong and it beebed beebed for a few hours till I found it at 4 am he was tired today took a 3 hour nap !! I felt so guilty I just babied him all day and he rewarded me with saying "ZZero ZZero" several times clear :)


Now we just had dinner and gonna watch Heroes together :)

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We had a calm night. My boyfriend is away so I am home with the 2 little monsters. I opened the curtains in the kitchen and one sat on my shoulder and one on my hand and we watched all the christmas lights outside and the people. They were fascinated by all the action outside.


Our male then wanted cuddles and turned so his head was facing my back, pushed against my cheek and turned his head around gently grabbed my nose and I rubbed his head and back for him. Our female who hates me touching her let me gently stroke her beak.


Great night!

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My eldest Charlie has learnt how to say "be nice"

thats what I always say if he goes for a little nip!

So I thought it was rather sweet today when he kept telling me to be nice. He also kept asking my youngest grey to get his dinner! All I kept hearing was "Jasper get me dinner! Wheres me dinner?"

They are so funny:laugh:

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Klaus seems to say something new every day now.

Today he's piping up with, "That's my baby! That's my baaaaaay-bee!"

Also he's saying, "Wha doin'? Wha dooooin'?" (He always seems to drag it out the second time he says anything.)

Also Scott has taught him to whistle, "I Can See Clearly Now (the Rain has Gone)." He'll whistle bars of it interspersed with bombs dropping, like so: "I can see clearly (ka-pow, ka-pow) now the rain (ka-pow, ka-pow)...etc, etc.

He cracks me up every day! :)

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I have been trying to figure out where my CAG, Savage, gets some of his sounds. I have figured most of them out. There was one in particular that I was struggling with. Well, I live alone, I'm a guy. I have a bad habbit of leaving the door open in the morning when I first use the bathroom. Savage is mimicking the sound of me peeing! When I figured it out, I almost died laughing.

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Penny That is hilarious!! It sounds like you are never going to have a dull moment with Talon and Rikki interacting with speech and one finishing the others phase. :-) Ho Ho Ho.... I love it.


Brian, I am speechless, NOT. BUuuauaaaaahhhhhahahahaha.

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Sometimes I give Max and Tanner a Carr's whole wheat cracker as a nighttime treat, mixed in with their fresh food. Tanner hasn't seen the point, but Maxi LOVES them - I call them her "cookies". Max's most recent new sounds are "Mm-Hmm", "Aa-'ight" (as in "Alright" street style:P ), "OK" and "Good girl".


Now we put these ingredients together. Maxi came with me to fill up her fresh food dish, and on the way to kitchen I looked in her bowl and said "Well, I see you ate your cookie but none of your apples." "Mm-hm." "You really like those cookies?" "Mm-hm." "You're just a little junk food junkie, aren't you?" "Uh-huh." "Are you going to eat some broccoli and peas now?" "Mm-hm. Aa'ight. Good girl."


:whistle: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2008/12/10 15:22

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Greetings everyone! It's been a long time since I've bene able to log on and chat - moves and new contracts etc.. But hopefully things will settle down now.


I love threads like these - it's so fun reading all the crazy things our kids do :laugh:


Bella has a comment about everything these days, and since she's flighted now, she's into everything too! Since she still can't pronounce things correctly, her baby talk is really hilarious. She tells Jiggy to shut up now and it comes out "Zjiggy sut up!" And then of course she proceeds to jabber. She answers the phone now - makes the phone sound perfectly and then says "hello?" - threw my partner for a loop - he thought I was on the phone :laugh:


I've had to make her a toy box with all her stuff in it that we have to take every where because if we don't, she's into all my stuff :angry:


Dan - she's picked up something your little guy was doing - she sits on the back of the couch and drops herself into my lap, kicks around in the air, laughs and scrambles to the back of the couch to do it all over again :huh:


Now that she's 18 months old, I've found I have to keep her quite busy with puzzles and things to cypher out. If I don't ,she's in the coffee pots, the spice rack, dog food, lipstick, garbage cans, computer keyboards etc.... you get the picture :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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What fun stories these are, I love them. Today Lyric was being really high strung because I had the baby birds at home and had to feed them first when I went home for lunch. Lyric wasn't happy about it. He refused to eat a bite of the rice and veggies that I made him for lunch. He didn't want to go back inside his cage when it was time for me to return to work. He really is a perpetual 2 year old and is very good at throwing fits and evading me whenever he wants to stay out!

Oh, and the littlest baby grey ate a bean today! His first bean, I'm so proud. The bigger one is starting to climb and he's hard to keep in one spot. Once both of them start flying too I'm going to have a three ring circus at my house. Anyone have an elephant to bring to my circus??

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Love hearing these stories. Seems like everyday there is a story to tell. Tobie always sais "What's that" With expression, saying that much louder. Today he has been saying "Whoa! What's that" Don't know where he got this. I think when I took him to the vet yesterday and the vet turned him quickly upside down holding his feet and neck I exclaimed "Whoa". Maybe he heard me.

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I sure wish I could record Bingo - sometimes he says things in a real deep voice and I have yet to figure out what he is saying! I've only heard him a few times go to the deep voice and tonight he did it while I was in the kitchen - thought I might have caught some of it and not really sure that they are good words :ohmy: , but can't be sure! One thing is for sure, there is never a dull moment! :cheer:

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I've been trying to figure out our birds favorite types of music. I had some real old time blues on tonight. Real sad slow stuff. Got a neat response from Baxter, he was whistling to it but not like the normal whistles. It's like he knew it was a sad blues song and whistled accordingly. It was pretty good. It likes he whistled at just the right times and it fit in so good. Wish I could have got that recorded. I was impressed with him and him whistling the blues:) So my bird was whistling the blues today. I loved it.

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Hi Nycsha!!! Wow, what a great Christmas surprise to have you back and updating us. We all wondered what happened to you. It's good though, that you became busy with contracts etc. in this economy. :-)


LOL - Bella sounds like a real pain in the A$$ now. ;-) Aren't they just like a child getting into everything? I love her mis-pronounciation. Very cute, but it will go away as she listens to that phrase very time you say it and she re-calibrates. Well, unless you have a speech impediment and speak like Elmer Fud. ;-) :-) Sorry, I couldn't resist ribbing a long standing friend!! You know me!!


It wonderful having you back, please stay in touch as often as you can. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/11 16:22

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Hiya Dan! Thank you for the warm welcome. Yes, I got creamed with contracts - this is a good thing, but it pretty much means you have no life. Moving back to DC after Florida took up a good part of my time too. Now we're moving out of our temporary housing and into a more permanetn place for the next 18 months :laugh:


Luckily Elmer Fud speak isn't one of my talents :laugh: Bella just has issues pronoucing "r's" and "sh". And you're absolutely right - she re-calibrates all the time. She practices "sh" by going "ss" "ss".


She has this very unfortunate new annoyance - namely to bite me in the upper arm when she wants to rough house and I'm preoccupied :woohoo: I have these little bruises all over my upper arm. I finally had to scold her and put her in her cage after telling her "no" several times. It hurts!!!!


She definately runs the house around here - her non-stop narrative and presence keep everyone on their toes.


But what I found particularly sweet was when I got really, really sick - I was down and out pretty hard. She sat at my bed side and refused to leave. Unfortunately when my partner tried to give me water or pills she became quite agreesive and tried to chase him off and bite him. ;) Her loyalty is amazing! Every day I more amazed by this wonderful little feathered being in my life. :)<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/12/12 03:37

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I love reading this thread!

My eldest two have just learnt to make kissing noises when I ask them to "blow kisses" its so sweet to hear them both do this!


Everyones stories on here are great!



They are so intelligent, thats why we all love them so much!

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My boyfriend came home from being away and he asked our male grey what was for dinner and our male grey usually says chicken or spaghetti, but instead for the first time ever he said shut up ok. I was stunned and my boyfriend looked at me and goes how could you. I was like what and he goes he told me to shut up. I said no you must have heard wrong. Thankfully our grey didn't say it again all night, phew.


Then suddenly this morning our male grey tells out female grey to shut up. Thankfully my boyfriend wasn't out of bed yet to hear it. Oh I hope he stops with that, hehe.

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Ouch!! Sorry to hear about the bruised upper arms. You'll just need to ensure you pay attention to Bella explicitly any time she is on you. How dare you get preoccupied with something or someone else. ;-)


She sounds like a great protector, didn't know you had a little Grey Doberman. :-) Next, Bella will be first taking sips and bites from any fluids or foods your partner offers to ensure no poisoning is taking place. ;-)

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This morning I had food inspection.Let me tell you, Alcazar is such the ice breaker.My inspector gave a smile smurck everytime Alcazar said a word.The inspector was amazed.I told him he's just being a show off because your here. The inspector said that Alcazar was doing a very good job of that.


When the inspector said good bye to the children, Alcazar said goodbye back to the inspector and of course the inspector said goodbye back. Of course I passed the food inspection...haha

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