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Is "Poop Off" a Sham?


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I have heard that a bird can die if it chews on a sofa that has been treated for stain resistance. However, if it is an older sofa, more than likely that stuff wears off over time. Also, the fumes from it would be bad for us and our birds.

I would say, if you get a new sofa, try to get it without this protection, or don't allow your bird anywhere around it.


I always thought the poop-off worked pretty good on dried on spots in the carpet- however I can't say that I tried white vinegar and water on it. Well, I have spent my money on a bottle of poop-off but I guess when it is gone I'll try the old fashioned methods! You guys were cracking me up throughout this thread- glad to know I can always count on the grey forum to cheer up my day. Thanks everyone!

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I have a newer microfiber couch too. We bought it in July. How serious do you think that is? Does anyone know someone or a vet who has seen this happen? Gryphon doesn't chew the couch but he does climb it all the time. Wondering if I should add "couch" to my list of personal anxieties. It is a very long list but furniture hasn't made it yet! :unsure:

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Gryphon wrote:

I have a newer microfiber couch too. We bought it in July. How serious do you think that is? Does anyone know someone or a vet who has seen this happen? Gryphon doesn't chew the couch but he does climb it all the time. Wondering if I should add "couch" to my list of personal anxieties. It is a very long list but furniture hasn't made it yet! :unsure:


The non-safe parrot list is, indeed, adding anxiety to my life, too, and we don't even have our bird yet! The list seem to be getting longer and longer. I'm so afraid we're going to accidentally kill our birds.


I knew about Teflon and Scotchguard, but I just now found out about microwave popcorn or any microwave boxes that brown things...like pot pies, etc.


Thank goodness I found this forum. I've made popcorn and pot pies in the microwave before, and the canaries didn't die...but I still hate to think that I put them in danger!<br><br>Post edited by: Goralka08, at: 2008/11/19 20:08

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Back to the Poop-Off...


I love the stuff, and I clean poop for a living so I'm not dealing with 2 or 3 birds worth of poop but over 30 large birds worth of poop. I have found that hot water will work to clean poo but you have to wait and let it soak, but if you make a 50/50 mix of poop-off and water it works just as good as strait up poop-off and saves me a LOT of time when I'm cleaning the "pits" at work.


I may be ringing a bell for liking the stuff but sense I have been using it I've been able to clean all the perches, toys and rails SOOOOOOO much faster.

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Well Berna you just go right ahead and do whatever makes you happy and if the Poop-off works for you then go for it but it is not a necessity to clean off the crap, actually we were having a little fun with it, you know how it is, when you can play with some poop you have the best time.:laugh: :woohoo:


Kimberly, you just go right ahead and enjoy your microwave popcorn, nothing to worry about there.

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Argh. Microwave popcorn too? I guess the best way to look at this is if it will kill them it is bad for us. Better to know than not.


But still. I love my couch. And my couch loves me. It's a good relationship.


I also love poop-off and it is an unrivaled (except by couch) passionate kind of love that may be hard for you poop-off haters to understand. I leave it for 10 minutes and wipe the bomb away. Sometimes, I treat myself to the poop-off wipes, but only when I've been very very good. B)

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I belong to a bird club and one of our members recommends hydrogen peroxide for cleaning up bird poop. She sells exotic birds/owner of a pet shop and puts hers in a spray bottle for quick cleanup. The only thing is, you must keep it from getting light; hence, the brown bottle hydrogen peroxide comes in. She puts a sock around her spray bottle. Good tip, huh? Thought I'd share it with you.



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I'm a vinagar and hot water girl myself I find it works very good. You don't even have to let the dried on stuff soak it just wet it down and wipe it off works great. Tycos cage is white a the poop shows really well I'd be going through a bottle of poop off a day I constantly wiping the poop off her cage. I just keep a bucket of water and vinagar beside her cage and it stays nice and white and poop free.

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I dunno.. we use the poop-off disposable cloths (they come in a canister and you pull them out one-by-one) and love them. Maybe vinegar would work as well, but that leaves you with a poopy rag to deal with or a delicate, shredded paper towel that doesn't stand up to the scrubbing.


The cloths instantly dissolve and wipe poop out of carpet, off of clothing, off perches... I guess it's the cloths we like, even if the solution isn't a miracle.

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I kind of like having poop off around the house. I know it's not a necessity but I think it makes the cleaning up easier and faster. We do clean with vinegar and water too and I have tested both on our last cage cleaning session. Poop off won hands down. Even with soaking 5 minutes with the vinegar water mix. I think vinegar and water works fine if you can clean the poop up before it has time turn into concrete:laugh: but once it has had some drying time I appreciate the poop off much better.

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"""I kind of like having poop off around the house."""


Me too. When it's on the house, neighbors talk. It can be upsetting.


"""" I think vinegar and water works fine if you can clean the poop up before it has time turn into concrete""""


Me too. The color of the concrete poop more than likely won't be the same color as the other concrete.

Different colored concrete will cause the neighbors to talk. It can be upsetting.

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