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Is "Poop Off" a Sham?


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Last week I had to use some poop off to remove a patty that had dried to my windowcill...It was a pain and I ended up soaking the lump for 5 min in poop off before I could scrape the mess off with a fingernail. I should mention that Schoreder has window access, and had walked thrould the poo, really spreading it around and grinding it in. It was not a standard bird poo lump.


Fast forward to today... Horror of horrors, I ran out of Poop Off. I thought I had a back up bottle, but it seems I don't, so I have to use water to clean what are typically Poop Off worthy messes. Imagine my shock when they were just as easy to clean with water then with Poop Off.


So riddle me this Batman: If Poop off does not ease the cleaning of difficult messes or work better than water on easy messes, why the heck have I been spending my money on it? Has anyone here been wowed by their poop off? Is it a good product that just doesnt meet my needs? Or are we all buying it just because we are supposed to and it never crossed our minds not to?

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Let me get my depends on first, :blink: :pinch: :S :lol: :blush: ok done, allright I have quit laughing now.:whistle:


Yes as you have discovered plain water works just as well for removing poops, even dried on poops, Poop Off just smells better or you can use white vinegar and water, works just as well.;)

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Just use white vinegar mixed with water. It's the most popular, cheap and


"""Imagine my shock when they were just as easy to clean with water then with Poop Off.""""


I can guarantee you that you won't be shocked as you watch the poopies dissolve and slowly fade away in the folds of your rag. Actually, The shock will be replaced with joy and happiness and have a new outlook as you stare into the sky from your poopless window. No fuss, no stain, no mess. Just bliss

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LOL, I just laughed so hard coke shot out my nose. It burrrrrrrrrrrns! I will keep your ratio in mind. Im wondering where the tears of joy will cvome form for the initial mix as I can't get them from product use before I have the product. Perhaps I will substitute the tears welling up from my coke burn....wait that came out wrong.

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Look at it this way---you'll be doing somethiong good for the environment. You'll be fighting the big corporations. Just get a little box, put your vinegar and onion in the box and make sure you tell the neighbors that YOU know how to wipe the bird's sh*it away without the need to use your hard earned money which will eventually go into the coffers of Big Brother. Don't just tell your neighbors, SHOUT it out to the whole city. I can Wipe cause I can Swipe, I can Swipe cause I know the art Of the Wipe.

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SchroedersJen wrote:

WHAT!? I thought all bird owners have scotchguard :blush:


Well, I think if you've had scotchguard on it for awhile (old couch) then you should be fine.


Our parrot agency suggested not having scotchguard sprayed on new furniture because it will still emit chemical vapors in the house for a few weeks.


It's kind of like the new carpet rule...your house should be very well aired out so there is no strong smells.


I'm sure your bird is fine, but just keep it in mind if purchasing new furniture.<br><br>Post edited by: Goralka08, at: 2008/11/19 17:14

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