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I hope you are a bit better today Janet.


The weather is terrible.I doubt if I will be able to get the car off the drive, it is a sheet of ice.I can not remember weather like this and no sign of a thaw.On the news some parts of uk have been as cold as -21.It is not quite as cold hear but about -8 very very cold. I am only going out if I really have to.I am dreading the heating bill.

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We're sitting debating how to go and get our shopping. The car park out of our supermarket is on a bit of a hill - and for sure our fabulous summer cars will not get out of the car park!! I've come up with the idea of walking there and taking a sledge - I must have one in the garage from when the kids were little!


Actually - when we get to the supermarket there'll be nothing on the shelves - have the deliveries got through??? We might not make it and that tin of spam from 1943 might get an outing if we eat everything else in the cupboards!!! :laugh:

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Did our shopping yesterday in my 4X4 PICK UP :P we got there and got back with out a problem, the flash summer cars where stuck in, even in the car park.

I have got a toe rope and it is very well used now.

I cant do everybody.


Did my mums shopping as well she is 86 now and cant use her skis any more.



Today we are staying in, more snow today 'YIP'

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Well Julie - the shanks pony was the enforced choice - couldn't get the car out of the street!!! Been to the shops for the essentials - and now I am admiring the beautiful snow from the comfort of my warm home!


See Bernie - you lucky 4 x 4 folks! I'll get you back in the summer though!!!! :laugh:

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I have been and got shopping in this morning.The main roads are ok if you take care but it is getting on to them that is the problem.I got two bags of salt yesterday at £8 each and have managed to move the car from the drive.What a rip off for the salt though. I had a burst yesterday after noon on the garden tap.I noticed the water pressure had gone low in the house and a bit later on I went out to the garden and noticed the pipe gushing water all over the place.My brother in law came all the way from Ainsdale and sorted it for me.It is about a 30 mile round trip so I am really greatful to him.

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Supernova wrote:

I have got a toe rope and it is very well used now.

I cant do everybody.



:ohmy: Sounds kinky Bernie!!!:ohmy: :laugh:


Good on you for doing your Mums shopping tho!!


I've been cooking up stews and soup in case we get cut off! Now I need to put my head down for 5 - got a migraine coming on!! This morning when we came in from the horses I put my car keys in the fridge! It took us ages to find them and only did when we went to get lunch!!:S

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Thank goodness it was just your outside tap and hasn't caused too much damage. That's shocking for the salt too - there's none on the shelves in our local Asda (the only place we've managed to get to today coz it's at the end of the street)!! I hate it when companied exploit people at these times - I bet it was £2 last week!

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My mum has a wind up radio, candles, electric and gas heating also all she needs to keep her warm for about 4 weeks also a calor gas heater fit for propane so she will be OK.

If we need to, the caravan has full gas central heating and a good supply of Gas.

Also a nice nest to snuggle in.

Ben is warm and snug, so is Tev my dog, the fish in my pond are ok the pond has a opening in the ice, and Tigg's is being good.

I am not even going to try to clear our drive because it is 140 feet long and 13 feet wide, so let it freeze.

It stops the outlaws visiting :whistle:


I have put lots of food out for the wild birds and they can get water from my pond also.


I hope that will be enough for everybody here.


Bernie. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

I am beginning to think the winter is over now, the crocuses are breaking through Daffodils are in the shops, the Sun is out again, things are warming up and my Ameraillis is going to (hopefully) show 8 flowers this year.

I am going to repot all my bonsai trees soon for another year.

:) :) :)


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  • 2 months later...

I am sitting down for the first time in four days after a disastrous painting episode in my kitchen! We decided to decorate it whilst on "holiday" from work (how can they call them holidays - you're supposed to enjoy yourself on holidays)! Poor Harvey's been stuck in his cage most of the time, locked away from the fumes - but is now sitting here fully vocal and letting me know what he thinks!


Firstly, I painted the ceiling, which culminated in me painting the floor too (luckily, slate and cleanable)! Then the Dulux Paint Pod, which I have decorated both my bedroom with and my dining room, decided to spit out too much paint when I was doing the walls - to top it off, I HATED the colour - after doing the whole kitchen - so we had to go out and buy some more paint and resort to the manual labour of rollers! Then I did the glossing and it all peeled and cracked on the back door! So, what was supposed to take a day has taken me four days.


I know you are all thinking the same - yes, perhaps I should be a decorator for a living!!! :)

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