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I'm so happy the forum is back up and running, what an evening I had without my favorite place to hang out because the forum was down, literally did not know what to do with myself but I am fine now.


Gonna get a little work done today then its back to cruising, the forum of course, silly me.:silly: :laugh:

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I am just fending Charlie off my breakfast,he has already had his toast and now wants mine.The weather has been fantastic for October, nicer than a few months ago,cant believe it.Just put a load of washing on and Hoping I can hang it out side.I will be cage cleaning this morning and then off to Southport for a few hours.

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pearllyn wrote:

Not long in and now winding down with a wee beverage


For completeness - I would like to point out that Lyn is Scottish. She is not drinking her own urine - she is merely having a small drink!!


I'm about to iron! Why oh why aren't the kids small and their clothes no bigger than 12 inches! :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am fed up because a van backed in to my mini on Wednesday afternoon,poor little thing is a bit creased up. It is such a bind having to sort insurance out and repairs,more so because I am waiting for my new car so if it comes now I am stuck. The mini is being picked up on Tuesday and a hire car being delivered so I just hope it wont take long to be fixed.Men drivers should be taken off the road:angry: I am just glad I was not in the car at the time.It was parked up.

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