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MAX Has Gone

Guest Skuffy

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Skuffy, Ypu did the right thing in sharing this terrible experience with us. It is a VALUABLE lesson that will hopefully help others.

We are FAMILY and your loss is OUR loss no matter how it happened...:(


I hope and pray that your next reply will be the onw we hope for....that Max is found and safe at home. Please keep looking for him.

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Just for the record, DanMcQ did have a loss, he lost his bird Jake about a year ago, and he camped out in a deck chair under the tree where Jake was until he managed to get him down. I dont wish to put words in Dan's mouth but I am pretty sure one of the reasons he is so emotional about this is because of Jake. He did manage to get Jake back after a pretty awful ordeal.

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i had an african greyfly into my house one sunday and me and my partner took him in we got him a cage the same day to accomadate him as we knew how much the owner must be be hurting we rung the rspca and told them we have found an african grey 2 days later they came and scanned him for a micro chip luckaly he had one and was reunited with his owners unfortunatly we got no thanks for what we did but we went out and got our own as we feel in love with him and wanted to care for an african grey. so as soon as we got april we got her micro chipped. tip !!! close the door behind u!!!

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I am so sorry that Max got away. Hopefully he will find his way back to you. I wouldn't give up hope. Thanks for sharing what happened so it can remind all of us to be a bit more careful. I do hope you guys get reunited and am also keeping my fingers crossed.


We took in a lost conure, tried to find the owners but couldn't so if he does not come I wouldn't assume the worst. I am now caring for a lost bird and he has a great life right now.


Congradulations on your new grey. Its nice you gave him a home when he needed one. Please keep us updated on both.

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How can you say you hope dan never suffers a loss.. Its clear his bird escaped, and also clear that he moved heaven and hell to get him back. I share his thoughts on this, leaving a door open is just asking for trouble, and as a bird owner, you should have known this! That poor bird ill be out there somewhere, scared and hungry, and possibly dead! Getting a new bird so soon was shameful, almost like max didnt exsits. You cant rely on other people to call you if they see/hear max, you should rely on yourself, knock on doors, keep posting flyers, anything.. But i supose you have your new grey now, so that will ease the guilt a bit! Out of site, out of mind!

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For the ppl who have lost a bird you all know how i feel,,,Max was my best m8,,still is.........I did what i could no matter what u think....I may get him back,,and for the ppl who knows me,,you know Max was my family...we did everything together,,,,,Sorry to all if i made a few ppl think that i have given up on Max I haven;t i am out everyday checking pet shops just incase some says they found a Grey,,I ring my vet each morning..what more can i do..Ive not forgotten him,,ok...My new task is Baby scooby,,right at this time he needs me,,But i keep on loking for Max Ok...Thanks every-1 I heard you all.Other becarefull

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Hey, Mark -


I actually woke up in the middle of the night twice last night thinking about you and your Max, and gave a little prayer for you to be re-united. First thing this morning I got on here to see if there was any news - sigh.


I am sure this whole experience will greatly inform your approach to Scooby, and I'm also sure that your sharing it with us will help some of us on this forum to avoid making similar mistakes. Good for you for sticking with us despite the sharp tone of some of the responses you have received. We ALL make mistakes sometimes, and I believe you are doing your best to make it right.


Do keep us updated on your search, and on Scooby!


(Mama to another bird named Max...still keeping my fingers crossed...)

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Mark, I am so sorry to hear that Max has flown away, I won't chastise you about the circumstances as you have already been given enough but I do sincerely hope you get him back.


Congrats on getting Scooby and please don't make the same mistakes with him, they depend on us to keep them safe and when we let them down we both lose.


I will keep you and Max in my thoughts and prayers that he is returned to you safe and sound but please don't give up on Max, he is out there somewhere and wants to be back with his flock and the family who loves him.

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So sorry to hear about Max.One thing I know is that I'm learning alot from this forum. Alot of dos and don'ts and where my heart lies on situations. As like Tracy Im not going to say much either because yes what some of the other's said is how I see too. Hope you will get him back.

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I am sorry for you and Max and accidents do happen. We all can learn from things like this and be more careful and never think your fully flighted bird friend will never access an open door.


I feel your pain and I am hoping Max is safe out there from harm. May god be with him and keep him safe.

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Always secure and protect the perimeter of the flight space where your CAG lives.


Door, especially those at perimeter (my back door to patio) opening to outside, that do not automatically close had been rigged by me to close themselves by jury rigged system of pulleys, Dyneema fishing line and heavy bottle of water as counter weight. Very ugly looking, but effective. Pity I did not take photos of those before , the ugliness of it was that embarrasing.


Door at perimeter should have hanging curtain of heavy beads. It was not necessary for me at front door because door opened to lift lobby which was a sealed area.


More perimeter protection explained in detail in Tinkerbell Legacy. Something you know about but not read, or read and discarded.


Practise recall exercises with your parrot. When push comes to shove, that may not work. In fear and in totally strange environment, spook factor may predominate. When push comes to shove, that may not work. So do not rely on it. But it is so much better if your parrot recognised recalls and done it with you. Your heart/mind will become more confident instead of fearful that add to bad vibes spooking your parrot even more and making recovery more difficult.


It is so much difficult for parrot to fly down than to fly up. You should train a parrot to fly down from heights.


Read this old writing on the best angle to get an up parrot to fly down



Be paranoid and remain safe.


Editted and added.


Skuffy, I know the pain you are under. Thank you for your courage in letting people know and that may help others to avoid this.<br><br>Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2008/09/29 07:23

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Shanlung, Thank you for all the ideas about a beaded curtain, and pulleys etc. I would love to see pictures of that! Great ideas, and very thought provoking for me. I don't have protection when I open a door, and that is something I need to take care of. I will be thinking about your ideas and how they can help me. I have 3 unprotected doors in my house that I am always nervous about.



Gus, Thank you for posting that link, as you can see, we all tried VERY hard to warn him about the dangers of what can happen when your bird gets outside without a harness. I understand it was a different situation in losing Max, but still it is something to ponder....... :huh:


You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of our birds. :(

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Guest Skuffy

Thanks for all the comments..I am not a new bird owner btw..Ive had Birds 10yrs or more,,It was just 1 of those things with Max flying out my door...I'll never forget him,,nor stop looking..But atm all my attentions are on my Birdie Scooby-Doo who is coming on a treat..hes a 9mth old CAG who came to me looking in a right state,,No wing feathers and was very skinny having never eaten fresh Veg or fruits...Ive only had him a over awk,,and already got him to speak a few words..This Damn Laptop is vista and i can't get any pic's of him to load..I'll keep trying..

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I do hope you get him back safe and sound. I think about things like this everyday of my life it scares me to think that this could happen to any of us In a matter of a second. none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. then we kick ourselves forever on how stupid we were in the first place. I also get overly confidne that my birds love me so much that they would never fly out the door but I still try not to take any chances. I only have the patio door that I really have to woory about. and It has a screen door on it as wll as the slideing glass door I do keep that screen door closed at all times. my front door has two doors out the first and your in the mud room then another to go outside. I don't woorry about that to much. Every window in my hoouse that opens except the kitchen window has a screen. My birds are fully fighted and I can't take any chances. If they go outside they are out in a cage no other way. but I have nightmares about losing them day mares also. it only take one mistake. and we are all capable of making that mistake. I know you didn't mean to lose your beloved bird and I for one feel for you. you are in my prayers for a safe recovery good luck with your new bird I'm glad you rescued him from a bad situation. you should try to put another cage out in your back yard with food in it for max he may find his way home.

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Update on Max..Ive had a few people call me saying hes been spotted here he's been spotted there...When i get to the places he seems to have moved on..Another 2 Greys that live close to me have flown aswell..So theres 3 Greys out there..


What can i say about Scooby....Wow ive never seen a bird play so much..This Little guy is so happy with all his new toys and the fancy meals hes getting..He's really coming on a treat thanks.Very noisy likes to scream alot and CHEEP--CHEEP calling his mother i think...His mimik of me is great..Now says hello very clear...Good Boy..Cuddle..Kiss-kiss..0i..lots of mumbling...At the moment were on "Were's Mum" My kids say it alot...:lol:


Thanks to every-1 who took all my KARMA aswell..from 27 down to 9 :unsure:

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there

Been through the same thing myself with a bird I raised, loved and taught everything to and regarded as another limb really.

We also live in an area surrounded by woods and fields

and it was exceptionally difficult trying to think of where, in this huge area he would go.

I actually passed a fellow villagers property that day where Charley, as I later discovered would have sat waiting for me for over an hour.

I wasnt informed until much later as the Neighbour had thought in naivety that Charley would fly home all by himself.

How I kick myself everyday that I hadnt listened to myself as I walked by that property that I should go check there

Days went by Every day I was out and walked 5 to 6 miles per day and put leaflets through every door I could find.

I rang his bell over and over and called for him and the little dog that I took with me searching, howls

even if he sees the damn thing now

Anyway I cant say what you should have done as we all make our own call and you made yours

I hope you will hear news of Max.

Its a desperately uneasy thought thinking of what may have happened as he probably would have flown down to you without the need for firebucket or whatever eventually as my bird would have and had done before.

Anyways my friend I hope you have some closure and if not that your new bird can compensate for your loss

Do as I have and invest in some clipping and dont let him out of your sight

Good luck


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  • 9 months later...

Woooooooooo...Long time since i been on here...As you all know i lost MAX...Hes been gone 12mth now...BUT...I think ive found him...I have to go to the POLICE today to make a fresh report,,then they will go and check see if hes mine..........PLS God let him be mine.......Hes in a PUB behind the bar,,,not far from my home aswll.....So many ppl are saying Its MAX,,the way he rings my phone,,like on youtube.keep you posted{Nature-00020095}

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