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leg bands


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Here in the US the bands generally have the following info: The year the baby hatched, 3 letter initials (breeders sometimes put their own initials here), the state the bird was hatched in, and a number which the breeder uses to identify the bird. I guess it could vary depending on where you get your bands from though.

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thank you for that information! That is great! Now I can see how old my bird is! Well, if he will let me see it! He likes to cuddle best at night.


I am so excited he is talking a blue streak for the last week! When he first came here he maybe said two words and then wow, now he has a great vocabulary.

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I am Thankful my breeder put a leg band on Roscoe because of the fact that she kept a record of his numbers on his band and on my copy of his papers is also the number so if he gets lost it is a way to prove that he is indeed mine. Now I realize if he gets stolen then someone can easily remove the band with a good pair of leg band cutters but I will not risk microchipping him with the things I have heard about that.


I do plan to teach Roscoe my Cell phone number so if he ever gets lost he can tell someone his phone number. God forbid that to ever happen tho.


I have always had every bird I ever owned in the past with a leg band on and never had issues of accidents but that depends how your cage is setup and safe thinking on toys that could possibly hangup in the band. I have seen more problems with the open bands more tho. Most breeders use a closed band.<br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/09/17 01:14

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wonder how I can get a hold of the breeder, I haven't looked at the band yet, I spent the evening watching my new video on teaching him tricks......then, we tried to learn to wave bye bye. I had very little luck with this I think I need to buy a wood stand for him, the portable one I have sits on the table top and its made of that rock like or grit like material and he loves to wipe his beak back and forth on it. Then we had to spend 45 min with him laying on my shoulder and him putting his head down over my chest so I could pet him. I think he would lay like that for hours! lol When I told him time for bed he didn't like that one bit! Just like half my daycare kids! :whistle:

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In Ontario you can now register your leg band number with you local Humane Society (Animal Control) and your vet, they intern register with a Canada Wide Bird Band Registry, if the bird is lost and found by someone who calls this information in they are able to reunite you back together. If for some reason your bird is stolen you alert the registry and they will send a report to all vets to watch for this bird. The person or persons that stole this bird may have sold it to an unsuspecting person just for the money.

They are working very hard here to be able to install a small GPS in a leg band - right now they are using doves for the trial, they are also working on keeping the price of this band affordable to the general public.


Carolyn & Mika

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wow, that is amazing! I am going to try to read his leg band tonight, he does not enjoy being touched except early morning and that is only for a scratch and then at night where he will really cuddle. We are working on learning the wave trick and maybe he will be more touchable with the tricks.

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wow, that is amazing! I am going to try to read his leg band tonight, he does not enjoy being touched except early morning and that is only for a scratch and then at night where he will really cuddle. We are working on learning the wave trick and maybe he will be more touchable with the tricks.

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