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Everything posted by btdaycare

  1. Any suggestions on how long to leave the other eggs? I will remove the cracked one tonight after everyone leaves,she flipped the egg over so I can't tell which one it was, I will some how block them from the opening but they are sooooooooooo fast! Going to be my Christmas challenge!
  2. Yesterday, Squacker,the male nailed me good as I was filling the food dish with mixed nuts.......whomever has that saying on their post about give blood, own a bird is soooo right! lol I was dripping blood all over, he nailed my middle finger good! Just checked on the nest and there is one cracked egg with stuff oozing out, I didn't see a beak so am wondering if mom cracked it while moving the eggs around. She seems to be moving them a lot the last few days and rarely comes out. She came out today,stretched, sunned herself awhile, ate some food and drank, its the most I have seen of her for a few days.
  3. sniff sniff, NO! I will wait till Christmas, but not sure how to take eggs away.........
  4. nope, just checked this morning.......December 18th would be 28 days from the last eggs arrival. Maybe I will see a chick on my birthday(17th). Not knowing what their diet was like and not knowing the total upheaval they had from living with an elderly lady to some how getting to the humane society and me adopting I believe within two weeks time I imagine their world was pretty shaken up. Just being out in the main area of the humane society and being on full display with tons of people staring at them could have effected them big time. Add to that my own crazy world of almost 24/7 daycare, my own dogs, cats, fish and foster animals! Oh well, it was exciting just to see the five eggs and getting to know and bond with these guys has been a great experience! I am still trying to learn all I can. I have fed all my birds better and used veggies I have never heard of! lol
  5. wow! That would be awesome! I would love for that to happen! I wish I had a nanny cam or something similar hooked up in their box! Mrs. Pretty has not come out of their box today. Was barely out yesterday too though!
  6. the eggs are eggs.......bah, no babies yet! It is exciting though, Mr. Squacker is still trying to kill me when I change the food and water and Mrs. Pretty Girl is sitting tight on the eggs, only comes out when she hears the treat box being opened and she can't resist coming out so the male will feed her.(that's when I take a quick peek at the eggs through the sliding door). Mrs. Pretty races back inside when I do that so I do mean just a peek! Squacker has been talking up a storm though and talks quite a bit when I change the water in the afternoon at the daycare's nap time. I think he likes the quiet.
  7. Yes, they are back in my bedroom, away from the daycare chaos,they do not like the new foster dog so he is banned from the room also! I keep a baby gate across the doorway as I don't want them to be totally blocked off from day to day noise. I only bother them when I clean the bottom of the cage and change their food and water dishes. They have also for the last week been dropping food in their water dishes, so I change it more often during the day. Any suggestions on foods to feed them if I do have hatchlings, they are on fortified pellets, an egg/seed mix and fresh fruits and veggies.
  8. so far nothing this morning......both birds are very testy though! Its hard to put in fresh food when they want to attack! I have been spraying both with aloe vera juice for their morning baths, I am wondering if I should continue to do this with the mom or switch to plain water? On a side note, its so funny when I walk in the room the male barks at me like a small dog and then growls when I take away the old food dish to replace with fresh food or water. Then calmly says hi after he lunges at me!
  9. They laid five, possibly one to hatch today, but there was a total of two weeks exactly between the first and last one laid.
  10. well, now she moved the egg back into the clutch, guess I will wait and see.
  11. I have a clutch of five eggs, one due to hatch possibly tomorrow, the parents have pushed one egg aside, would that mean the egg is no good? They have slowly been moving it away from the clutch. Can any one clue me in on what's happening? Should I leave it or take it out?
  12. its a boy! Just had him sexed today and he is now five months old and doing great! His weight was great, wings, beak, feet, all great! lol I feel like a proud mommy! Ok, make that grandma! I am just so happy he did so great!
  13. love it! Every girl needs to feel like a princess! I say make your bird a castle too!
  14. speaking as a daycare person, awesome castle, my kids would love it, speaking for my birds ditto! Great work!
  15. oh they talk , the male talks the most...........today I was chastising one of the daycare children for hitting another child and the male called from the bedroom and said, over and over, what'd he do? what'd he do? Yep, I forgot all about being upset with the child because I was laughing so hard at the bird! My Timneh's only talk when we are in another room, the greys talk all the time whether we are in the room or out and always say hi when I walk in the room or late at night when I turn on my light and awaken them one of them tries to shoot me with the ray gun sound! To funny!
  16. Hi, I adopted two breeder greys from the Humane Society in a neighboring town. They came with their cage and a nesting box. The male tries to attack me when I come near the cage but the female sits and listens to me. I try to frequently go in and talk to them. (oh, I should tell you I have a busy household of day/night care,so they are in my bedroom) They were making mating sounds and spend a lot of time in the nesting box but I don't know if that's their normal way or not. All I know about them is that they were living with either an elderly couple or elderly lady who had to go into the nursing home. One day, the male was saying "who's a pretty boy? where's my pretty boy, your my favorite boy(in an elderly ladies voice) and then he made siren sounds..........just about made me cry, I felt like I was hearing a part of the owners life. I don't think they have anything besides seeds as they throw all the vegetables and pellets on the floor.
  17. last night she flew! She always flaps her wings as I said above as I am taking her to the table..............well, she got lift off! Flew to the top of the cupboard and looked down at me like wow! what just happened! Moved her to her new home and she has spent the week exploring the cage and climbing up and down the sides and trying out the various perches. She knocked down a soft cloth toy, mop like, and now she likes to sit on it. I forgot she might like her Teddy bear she had in the original box so it goes in today. She is down to one formula feeding at night....she eats pellets, veggies, a little fruit and a dry mixture of seed and dried veggies and fruits. I love her little sounds she makes. She rushes to the door when I change her water and food in the mornings so she can ride around on my shoulder. Just amazing how big she got, seems she had a growing spurt last week and is almost full grown!
  18. she is almost 11 weeks old now and she is doing great! Barely eats formula, now loves veggies, trying some herbs today too, is now a good time to put her in a cage, I have hung a swing in her box for a few weeks and she constantly perches on that. I have also put her in a smaller cage and moved her next to my older grey but the cage is getting to small for her to stretch her wings which she loves to flap when I carry her or even while on the table. I put the perches at graduated levels and she goes to all of them very well. Learning to use that beak to climb! What a smart baby!
  19. what about herbs such as cilantro and dill? Are they safe? I have fed that to my other grey and sun conure in small quantities. Are these safe?
  20. Quiana is now ten weeks old I believe. She is perching on a swing I have hanging in her box, not eating many veggies, I put moistened pellets and water in bowls and she has much fun knocking over her water but doesn't eat much of the pellets, she is slowing down on eating formula though. She spends a lot of time scratching the bottom of the box, stretching her neck and flexing her wings. She does not like my other grey near her. Any hints or tips for what else I should be doing?
  21. sorry, the question was supposed to be. Should I be concerned about bubble coming out of his nose? I wrote the breeder, you wonderful people and called the vet........yes I am paranoid I will do something wrong! The vet finally just called back, nothing to worry about, finally got back on the computer to find the breeder had written me the following: Babies are finicky eaters. Sometimes they eat everything, and sometimes they only eat a little. You have to adjust, the spoon was a good idea. The bubble was probably from food that got pushed up into his nose. If his crop is going empty, there is no need to masage it. That could be causing him to regurgitate just a little and he does not know what to do with that food that just came up into his mouth, so his tongue pushes it up into his nose. put a couple drops of vinegar into the food today and make the food runny. The vinegar will kill any buildup that might be sitting there. As for transformation into a cage, it is way too soon. If you still have the heating pad turned on, go ahead and turn it off. You need to start aclimatize his body to the house temperature. Keep the towel over the top of the container to help keep the heat in, but he is now getting feathers and should be able to start adjusting. you can tell if he is too cold, because his feet will be cold. Thank you all for caring enough to write me back and take care of my fears. Amazing how fast this little one has crept into my heart!
  22. ate an abundance of formula today but I noticed twice he had a bubble coming out of one of his nostril, his poop is normal, not quite as active today though but did seem extra hungry(first meal of the day). Normally, when finished eating he is climbing my arm to get close and cuddle this time he just sat and looked around. I didn't cuddle with him as usual, put him back into his box to stay warm and quiet, I hear little chirps now and then as usual and when I peek at him he is standing or sitting next to his cuddle lion per usual. Any suggestions or am I just being paranoid as I am reading everything in the health section today.
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