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Storm is a comin'


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Well, looks like I'm going to get nailed yet again...Fay is heading right for me. What really blows is that the store owner wants me to go into the store to take care of the adult birds and feed all the baby birds. One of the girls that works on the puppy side has to come in too so we still don't know when we need to get there before it gets really bad out...or we might just have to ride out the storm there. As I type this I'm on my back porch and I can feel the storm coming. The breeze is picking up to a decent wind but the air feels cool yet humid. This is the part of the storms I like. I'm thinking I might bring Elmo into the store with me just incase I'm not able to leave. I'm not too worried about the storm inself...Charlie and Wilma were much stronger and I got through those storms no problem. I figured I would let you all know what was going on here in Southwest Florida because I'm sure the power is going to go ot for a few days or maybe over a week depending on how bad the storm ends up and I won't be able to get onto the forum.

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Toni is right Berna, you take care of yourself and don't try to be a hero if it gets worse than expected.


I do hope that it brings us here in VA some much needed rain and if it goes according to projections we may just get some by the end of the week.

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All is well with me and Elmo!


Late last night the storm turned more to the south hitting Marco Island...about an hour and a half drive from me. Because Fay made that little turn she didn't become a cat. 1 storm. The wind was still really strong with gusts over 70 mph but thanksfully the power only went out for a few hours. That is the worst part of a hurricane...no A/C, cold drinks, or hot showers for days and days. I left to go up to the store around 10:30am and just got back a little bit ago. Elmo was up ALL NIGHT watching the weather reports with me and standing guard. She really seemed to know something bad was going on outside and wanted to make sure we were safe.:laugh: Although I really don't think a bird that weights 385 grams is going to be able to take on a Tropical storm. Bless her heart for wanting too though.:kiss: So, she stayed home when I went to the store and slept. The birds at the store were Very excited to see me though. Pattie and Sasha spoted me outside the store when I was waiting for the puppy girl to get there and I could hear them both screaming for me. I gave extra kisses to all the birds and game them all a few extra nuts.

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I'm glad to hear everything turned out alright for you and Elmo. Bless her little heart for staying up with you and watching for the storm. You know, I think they feel the energy in the atmosphere at such times and I'm sure it had her and the store birds kind of wired. Hope everyone can settle down tonight and get some well deserved rest!

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Yeah, we're going to take a nap here in a little bit.


I'm really glad we didn't lose power, because the air after a storm is normally REALLY hot and so humid you can swim in it.{Feel-bad-00020063}


Birds I'm sure do know when the weather is changing. In the winter time here all the parrots would go NUTS and just drive us all crazy the day before a cold front would come through because of the pressure change.

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I know all about humidity we've been haveing a few summer storms here for the last day or two and its hot and humid and hard to even breath I hate is when it so humid at least when it hot and dry it doesn't feel as hot but when its humid its like been in a saunna all day lond That what you get when you live in a natural rain forest I do love it here though and would never live any where else

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Rain every stinkin' day...and the sky always opens up when I get in the car to go somewhere. I don't know how bad people drive where all you guys are but as you all know Florida is full of blue-hairs and they drive bad enough as it is...so just think of how bad they are in the rain. I'm tellin ya' I'm glad Elmo doesn't go to work with me because she would be talking worse than that YouTube grey Ruby, 'cause boy have I been yelling some colorful words. :woohoo: :blink: :laugh:

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