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Who's the boss...Elmo's the boss


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Lately Elmo has really been using words in proper context and I don't think it's such a good thing!:laugh: The other day Paul (the bf) was over and Elmo was sitting on his shoulder facing his back. Paul turned his head and to mess with Elmo he blew on her tail. She turned around so fast and said in a VERY stern voice said "Don't You..":woohoo: We were laughing so hard because we both know she isn't a fan of her tail getting touched and she YELLED at him for blowing on it. Then, just tonight, Elmo was in her cage and I was on the bed on the computer. She was ringing like the phone because that is the noise she does to normally let me know she wants out but when I didn't get up and let her out she started barking "Come Here...Come here Elmo" at me. I looked up at her and as if she knew she got my attention she said really slow. "Elmo....come....here...." I don't know if I like this too much. Pretty soon she is going to start telling to clean my room and when to get out of bed.:woohoo: :laugh: :P

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Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, what a character Elmo is becoming. She has truly asscoiated everything correctly and using it to let you know "It's not ALL good". ;-)


Thanks for bringing a BIG smile and chuckle to me this morning. I love this forum and it's members!!!

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Elmo is 1 year and 5 months now. She's been trying to talk sense she was about 6 months but I don't count that, she started talking clearly at about 11 months. Some of she speech is still gargly and I can't tell what exactly she is saying, but the "Elmo...come...here" was clear as a bell. :laugh:


She knows when she is getting into something she shouldn't because I don't even have to scold her any more. All I have to do is point at her and give her the "evil eye" and she says "Don't you...Don't you do it". Hahahahaha, cracks me up every time!


She yells at her toys like that too. She will be doing the crazy play thing and then I hear her yelling "STOOOOP IIIIT" and then lets out the grey scream and returns to the attack! She really is a hoot!

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Alex doesn't talk yet. :( He will be a year tomorrow. There are times when he is being chatty that we sware he has said something. But it is so mixed in with everything else it's hard to say. He does make all kinds of sounds though. We would love for him to talk but if he doesn't then we still have all the sounds and we work with him some on tricks. B)

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Suzzique wrote:

Alex doesn't talk yet. :( He will be a year tomorrow. There are times when he is being chatty that we sware he has said something. But it is so mixed in with everything else it's hard to say. B)


Hi Suzzique,


Thats how they start talking. Those "Almost" muzzled words you thought you heard, is him "Calibrating". It will go on for a few months and you will start hearing clear and recognizable words and then sentences.


Most Greys start talking between 12 an 18 months. A few are quicker or slower to learn.


You have probably noticed him "Mumbling" very low when he thinks no one is listening. :-) This almost imperceptible whispers are him calibrating too.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/14 21:18

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Oh I know that he still has plenty of time and that just like kids they do stuff in thier own time. Some earl some later. So I'm not really worried. For me if I'm not in the room I'm downstairs so if he is mubuling I don't hear it. Right now anything he does say is strung in with his chatting. He does quit a bit of this so lots of chirps and whistles. He can be such a clown. :)

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LOl, sounds like Elmo is the mum in the family telling everyone what to do, or not to do.


We are also bossed by a small fluffy grey creature. He sits in his cage and says "can I come out", "can I come out". If he wants us to pick him up he goes "up" "up" "c'mon up" and then I walk over and pick him up. He has wings and can fly the lazy little man.


Also if you have something and he wants it he will say "come" "come". He even says it to his toys and I remind him that his toy is not going to walk over to him and he will have to move his butt.

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Jane08 wrote:

He has wings and can fly the lazy little man.


Also if you have something and he wants it he will say "come" "come". He even says it to his toys and I remind him that his toy is not going to walk over to him and he will have to move his butt.


LOL Jane08 - Greys are characters that never leave us without a smile.


But hey , don't expect too much from us "Men" ok. We work hard all day and thats why we ask for things to be brought to us. :whistle: ;) B)

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Of course Dan it completely slipped my mind that men work hard all day, I mean how else would everything get done and this world function.....LOL


What confuses me is that I am the male greys favourite person but he picks up no words from me and learns everything from my boyfriend....I guess the boys stick together.

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Of course Dan it completely slipped my mind that men work hard all day, I mean how else would everything get done and this world function.....LOL


What confuses me is that I am the male greys favourite person but he picks up no words from me and learns everything from my boyfriend....I guess the boys stick together.

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It seems to me that it doesn't matter if the greys are little men or little women they all want to wear the pants in their familys Tyco's the same way she has me waiting on her hand and foot all day long and if I don't do it fast enough for her likeing or I say just a minute she will say NOW get it now!! she talks to her toys also the other day she was trying to balance on her nut ball and it kept moveing and she would yell at it and say no don't don't don't finally she got on top of it and she was so proud she says look look I get such a kick out of her and she's just to smart its almost scary how smart they are. :laugh:

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That is toooo funny, she'll probably tell me a missed a spot too!!!


She won't let me talk on the phone ether without her in the conversation. If I'm on the phone she flies over and sits in a way that she can get her beak right up against the phone and chats away along with me...sometimes it's hard for me to get a word in edge-wise. :woohoo: :laugh: :blink:

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