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Name change for a rescue?


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I've got a question for all the people who have taken in a "rehomed" parrot. Do you keep the existing name or do you change it? Do you go along with new beginning new name? I've taken in a CAG who is 7 years old. His name is/was Peeper and I'm thinking of renaming him Nimbus. I got him two weeks ago today

A couple of reasons here.....

1. I have a dog named Beeper...might cause some confusion.

2. The previous owner called him PP. Sorry but when I hear PP I don't think of a bird. :S


The previous owner was well meaning, but he's basically done whatever he pleased for the last 7 years. If he didn't want to come out of the cage he didn't....my impression is he spent weeks in the cage because he fussed too much about coming out. If he didn't want to go back in the cage...he didn't. Might be a day or two before she got him back in. I don't think he got bathed and his chest feathers are a little sparse as you can tell by his photo which I have as my icon. His chest isn't bad, but I've been misting him since I got him and he doesn't object.


Sooo new beginnings new name or do I keep PP, and hope my dogs don't take it literally? :lol: I know they wouldn't but that's the image that comes to mind when I think of calling him PP.





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good morning lauri and THANK YOU for rescuing your birdy!


big daddy and i have rescue kritters and we believe in changing the name when they come to us.


my german shepherd, inga, was formerly named abby.

my AG, merlin, was formerly simon.


granted i did not like either name as i did not believe it fit them, but we also believe in a new name for a new start. who knows what their memories are of times under their old names? i certainly do not want to be the one reminding them of the bad old days every time i speak their name.


and granted also i might be anthorpomorphizing the concept but it is something we believe in and it works for us. both inga and merlin learned thier new names very quickly.


now if i could get little peetey the 'tiel to settle in things would be running more smoothly. but that is another thread all together.


anyway those are my thoughts for your kind $.02 offered.


happy friday



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I hadn't given this much thought. However, I adopted a 2 1/2 year old CAG named Rikki. She is a girl. She knows her name. I hadn't planned on changing it because she is so sweet and knows her name, but you guys have me thinking about it. I wanted things to be as smoothly as possible for her, so changing her name would bring on a whole new change, and I didn't think that one more bit of stress would be good for her. SO, I guess I just decided into not changing her name....:S

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I read somewhere that unless the bird associates their name to negative experiences, then leaving their name alone would be for the best. However, if you really dislike their name, then changing it is advisable, but to use one that sounds similar.

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I almost changed Nikko's name to Izzy. However, I pondered it for such a long time, that I finally just ended up sticking with Nikko. She knew her name, and it's kind of cute, plus I think she came from a happy home, so there's no negatives attached to her name. However, she has gained a lot of nicknames over the last three years. I think we call her Beaker, Beakie, or B more than anything :P.

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I have a rehomed CAG that is 8 yrs old and I wanted to change his name from Bingo, but did not. He does not seem to have any bad memories concerning his name and he knows it also. In my case, I felt the stress of coming to a new home and surroundings were enough for him at the time. I do see why you would want to change it though! Good luck with your new baby!:)

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I have adopted cats before and changed their name, but they also were very young (and I disliked their name). I kept Zazu's name, mainly because he is 13, and knows his name, and says it well (and I like it). However, if it was something obscene or innapropriate I would have changed the name. :) :)

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