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Night lights


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We also keep a night light on for Zahzu - her cage is covered so it just gives enough light for her to see where she's going if she's moving around.

I used to have a budgie who used to get shocks or nightmares in the night and the problem with him was solved with a nightlight - so with Zahzu just thought we'd use one incase :)



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Am I doing something wrong, I don't use a night light for Josey or Sunny and they do just fine, my reasoning is a little bit of light makes for shadows and that can appear like threatening objects to them, I say if it ain't broke don't fix it.:whistle: :P

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judygram wrote:

Am I doing something wrong, I don't use a night light for Josey or Sunny and they do just fine, my reasoning is a little bit of light makes for shadows and that can appear like threatening objects to them, I say if it ain't broke don't fix it.:whistle: :P


There's nothing wrong with NOT using a night light. Not all birds get night frights. Mine have only "startled" once of twice and really don't need them. BUT, we live in a log home so it is VERY dark at night inside, and the night lights save our toes from harm when we can't (or don't want to) put on the lights. ;)

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poppyparrot wrote:

wont your elecy bill be sky high?


LED nightlights use so little power that you wouldn't notice any difference on your power bill. Even standard nightlights only use 7 watts of power (1/10 of a standard light bulb.)

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I leave a very dim light on the birds are totally covered with thick dark blankets so I doubt the get any light at all I leave a light on mostly for myself if I have to get up I don't want to have to turn the big lights on and disturb the birds if I don't have to. Fergie my Amazon does get the odd night fright I just tell her everythng is fine and I won't let any thing bad happen and she usually gooes right back to sleep.



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Hi Nell, I also have the plug in lights for my greys. The eldest one used to get night frights and we found we havn't had anymore problems since using the light. When we got the youngest grey we just decided to use one anyway, just in case. They are also covered but I leave a gap at the front of the cage. Caroline.

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