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The pet store I work at has gotten in a BUNCH of new babies and I have been bringing the real young ones home with me so they can get 4 feedings a day. I had 2 Blue Crown Conures first but they are ready to stay at the store over night now. I started bringing home 3 White bellied Caiques and they are soooo cute. One is about 4 weeks and the other two are around 5 weeks. Well, today I got to bring home BABY GREYS!!!! There are 3 TAGs and 1 CAG...they where just pulled from the nest and are so tiny. The CAG's eyes are just starting to open.


Here are some pics for you all to oogle and ahhhh at.:P







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Me neither. I don't know how you feed them and cuddle them while they are tiny and then just hand them back when they are just big enough to be fun. I couldnt ever be a breeder either!


I want the caiques please! Just ship them over :P

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Now if that isn't the most precious babies I have ever seen, they are absolutely adorable, you do have a dream job and what an opportunity for you to learn so much about them, thanks for sharing these with us.


You can FedX the one in the second pic;) :lol:

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I can't tell you how hard it is not having a house full of them but I get to play with them and cuddle them in the comfort of my own home and not spend a dime...so really I'm getting a pretty good deal. Plus even when they are old enough to stay at the store I get to play with them there.


The Caique in the second pick is a real ham and thinks he is a whole lot bigger than he really is. Elmo has not wanted ANYTHING to do with the babies sense I had started bringing them home but the other night he got up the curage to come over and check them out. I had all three of the Caiques on my chest and Elmo slowly walked up. He put his face right up to the "picture 2" baby and it snapped at Elmo:woohoo: !!! Well, Elmo just about fell off the bed backwards and didn't know what to think. He's come over to the other baby Caiques and has tried to preen them but thing #2 still goes after him...talk about cute!


I'll have to get some better pics of the baby greys. Words can not discribe how cute they are when they are being fed.

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not a chance could i do your job I'd have to bring every bird in the store home witb me forever nobody would be good enough thats why I could never breed iwould end up keeping all the babies but I do love them baby greys I'll take one of those tags please where do I sent the money



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hahaha! If you all want to come down to FL you can have your pick of the TAGs! I bet you all can't guess which one is the CAG!



Give up...in the last pick he is the one up front...second from the left. In the first pic he is the one with his head on the other babies back.

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They are soooooo sweet :kiss:! You're lucky to have them in your home, even for a short time.


I know someone from another board who used to work at a bird store. She has a house full. Each time, she would say it was the last bird, but then she would break down and bring home another one. She has a few that nobody wanted because they were disabled in some way.

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Oh boy, I thought you were talking about a real Zebra...then when Spooky said something about "your other finches", I realized you meant Zebra Finch. lol


These are some sweet pictures. I'm gonna follow what everyone else says, I could never be a breeder or work in a pet store. My house would be filled with whatever animal came through the pet store and if I bred animals, I wouldn't let them go. But, I would like a chance to breed something some day. And have the babies and hand feed the babies...melt, fall in love, and keep them forever...see! ya. I couldn't do it.


Oh well...kudos to those of you who can!!!

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