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when do congo african grey parrots start talking


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but one thing that makes me mad and when i am watching tv or sleeping he likes too make me mad he will start whistling and flapping his wings too get outta the cage and when i tell him too stop it he likes too back talk me and start laughing at me

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Steph, how old is your grey? I ask because you wonder when he will start talking. Josey talked when she was about 1 year of age, some greys talk earlier and some later and a few do not talk at all, but it sounds like Goober will talk if he is already saying hello. I would just be patient and the words will come and then sentences.;)

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:) i can't wait"!!! he hates my friends every time someone comes over by him he always growls at them but when i tell goober thats a bad boy too be a good boy he stop his growling at them:P<br><br>Post edited by: steph, at: 2008/06/25 04:24
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That bird in that video was exhibiting sexual behavior, that whining and going back and forth with the wings held out and down from the body, that bird is sexually frustrated and if your bird is doing that you should ignore it and try to distract him to something else, but at 11 months of age I doubt he is doing that.

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One of our greys is 13 months and his eyes are that yellow, especially when we have him out in the sun.


He also makes those noises that were on the you tube video, mainly to our female grey, but sometimes he does do it to me.


He started to talk when he was about 6 months and now learns a word or phrase every week and I call him Mr Jabber jaws as he never stops talking. Our female who is 6 months now can only say 2 words. You wait one day it will be one word and then you won't be able to shut him up, hehe.

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CAG's normally start around a year old. Dayo about 12 months, started mumbling very low-tone "Calibrating" and practicing. But, you could not really tell what he was practicing. Now, at 14 months, he is clearly saying several words and even phrases. Once they start, it begins pouring out.....Last night, Kim was putting Dayo in his Cage to go night-night and he came back with "Go Outside? Wanna Go Outside? First time he's ever said that, but he has heard it constantly for months. :-)


They start out young with all there chirps, peeps, whistles, then advance to mimicking noises and sounds, then mumbling.....


A Greys eyes turn yellow at around age two.

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  • 3 months later...


My Grey started at 8 weeks. SHe said hello and come here at that time. That was what she said to me when I was looking for a bird at my bird dealers store. So of course I went to her and fell in love. BUt to really start talking it was about 8 months or so.

She is 3 now and is a chatter box. But she likes to talk when your not in the room. I can here her talking in my voice...my husbands..she screams like our kids..barks like the puppy. So funny.

If my son yells our to me "MA" Olivia answers in my voice a loud "WHAT?"

Or if I call my husband "Michael" She will say.."come here!" She also likes to drive the neighbors crazy by making the back up sound of the trash truck. Once my neighbor peeked her head over the fence and said..Casey why is the trash truch coming on a weds. She really thought they were driving down the street.

I also taught her animal sounds this year.

I started my just saying "owl" whoo whoo "Pig" Oink oink "Duck" quack quack and so on...after a few days I would just say "Olivia...do Owl" and she would just say whoo whoo. and so on with all the animals. My favorite is the SHEEP...she really does the sound like BAAAAA BAAAA. SO funny!

They are amazing!

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Tobie surprised me with an occasional word or phrase at 5-7 months old. The first time he ate ice cream he said "that's good". I would say that to him if he woundn't eat his carrots and I would take a bite and say "that's good". I have some funny stories from that time of his life, but he never would repeat the words. Even now, he's never said that's good. He is 1yr and 3mos. and now. At 7-8mos he started saying "what's up" and then at about 11mos. he started adding "what's up mama, "What's up with that" "what's up baby" etc. In the past month he has started with "Give me a kiss -- SMACK(kissy sound)". "come here and give me a kiss -- SMACK" "come here baby. give me a kiss -- SMACK". This is entertaining but he sounds like a dirty old man with his deep gravely voice. I sounded just like you when Tobie was only saying "what's up". I was getting worried that he would never talk. Now he is doing what I hear they do, muttering and talking nonsense to themselves and working on inflection and not making much sense except for his requests for a kiss.

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Charlie says: kom eet jou kos (come eat your food), boykie-boykie and he coughs like my friend but i would like him to talk much more as i spend a lot of time with him, i even recorded a cd for him to listern when i am not at home, but hey i cannot wait for my boykie to keep on and on with his talking. He is now 10 months old and i luv him dearly specially when he speaks his words :)

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I dont really think there is a exac age for a congo to start talking, they all do it in there own time, but the standerd time is prob about one year old. Although in saying that, adanna was saying hello at six months, aswell as lots and lots of whistling... Kinda miss the whistles now that shes older.. she done a mean wolf whistle :L

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Alex is 13 months old and doesn't talk. He did say Hello once about 2 weeks ago and has not said it sence. He likes to incorporate a lot of sounds into his singing. Hello was one but sense that one time he doesn't include it anymore. He may surprise my yet but at this point I don't think he is going to talk.

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