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LovemyGreys i may be absent !


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Hi Guys,


For those of you that know me you know i am addicted as well as dedicated to grey forums. Unfortunately my daughter is poorly in hospital & she is my first priority right now. I will be on & off the forum over the next week or so, just in case you begin to wonder where i had disappeared to ;)

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Tracy, family come first and you have to look after your daughter. Everyone here will fully understand and will be thinking about your daughters well being, take care of your daughter and I hope she gets well soon. Caroline x

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Hey Tracy


We're all rooting for her and you gotta make sure that she knows it OK??? Understand what I'm saying??


Wondering where you've gone or disappeared to?? Or missing you?


Hmmmm--well that's another story. We'll think about it and get back to you with our decision.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/04/14 00:20

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We will definitely miss you, but family does come first!


Don't worry, we will hold the fort down in your absence as best we can. You leave some big shoes to fill! :S<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/04/14 00:35

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what is going on dear one? tell us as much as you are able. oh my goodness, how old is your petite flower? i am afraid i would go MAD if anything happened to my children!


you take good care and we are all rooting for you and for your lovely daughter.


-s<br><br>Post edited by: sandra902, at: 2008/04/14 01:13

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Still thinking about it. So far the vote is 7 to 3 in your favor but people haven't gotten back from the diner yet. It's been a hard decision so people needed a coffee or tea break.





Decision's in !!!!!!! We'll miss you. Was a close vote though.

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Yes her daughter has a medical problem and she does come first before the forum but I know she will be fine and we will do our best here in your absence. No one here will miss you more than me and I have you both in my thoughts and prayers for her quick recovery and your return to the forum.:)

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Lovemygreys, I hope you daughter will recover soon and feel not only better but very good :)



There is absolutely no comparison. Children come first before EVERYTHING.

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Sorry to here such news from you. Please remember, your choice is well understood, and any less of you would be out of the question.

Family is ALWAYS number 1. You seem like a very nice woman, from what I have read of you.

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Johnny, she is one of the nicest women you will ever have the priviledge to chat with, a very warm and caring person to anyone and everyone on this forum of course don't tell her I said that, it will give her a swell head if you catch my drift:laugh: :laugh: :P

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I really need to try to get on here every night>I miss alot of whats going on.I gotta keep up w/ my family here.

Tracy sorry about hearing ofyour daughters health. Hope all goes well. Im rooting for her.Take care her first. Right now shes numero uno. We all understand.

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