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Harrison woke me up this morning at 4:50am. I heard her crash in her cage..she had fallen off her perch. I went in to make sure she was ok and she seemed fine. I went back to bed and 5 minutes later, I could hear her clammoring about in there. She normally doesn't do that sort of thing. It made me think she wanted me in there. So, I just got up and got her up...meaning I turned on her lights and TV...fed her...etc. Now she's fine. She ate a little and came into the bathroom while I got ready for work. She seemed normal. I have another theory if it's not a nightmare...directly outside her window is the A/C. Our dog has been barking and acting like she's trying to dig something out of it...like a rat or mouse. I'm thinking maybe a rat/mouse came in to her room this morning and scared her. Although, I don't see anywhere that a mouse could come in from outside. Or could it be a nightmare? She did this one other time and later we found out that many many miles away (same state but far away) there was an earthquake at the exact time she "freaked out"...but I haven't heard if there was another one.

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Eddie does this sometimes too and like you I am unsure whether or not it is nightmares or a call for attention. He genuinley looks terrified though when I get downstairs and is panting and clinging onto the bars of his cage. We thought it may be cats walking past the windows or the tree's blowing outside that he maybe catches a glimpse of.

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Heather it could be night frights too, greys can have those. But that earthquake theory has merit also, animals sense stuff that we don't pay any attention to. The fact that she seems ok now I wouldn't worry about it, maybe it won't happen again.:P

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Hi Heather, I have experienced both with Charlie. He has suffered with nightfrights and we also had an earthquake 2 weeks ago, I awoke to Charlie flapping round his cage when I got up he had lost his flight feathers in one wing. I have bought a night light for Charlie and plug this in near his cage. I also leave the lights on in the joining room just to have some light shine through, this has worked since the earthquake, hopefully this will be a one off for you though. :) :)

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At the time of the earthquake I was in the room with the lights off and the cage door open, Khan shot out of the cage flew around and sat on my shoulder constantly looking behind himself out of the window he was really freaked out by it.

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For as much as it is worth I do think it was a nightmare. I had a dog that would do this every so often - started crying in his sleep, or make aggressive sounds... and if I'd wake him up he would look around him as if for a few seconds he had no idea where he was.

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