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i was just interested in hearing on how your babies actted when you first got them home. were they hard to handle. were they mean? i was just reading a ladies blog and she had one hell of a time with hers but i was thinking it was due to she had to have hers shipped and instead of being a 5 hour trip it turned to a 14 so i was thinking maybe hers was due to stress, im getting my bird from a breeder who lives only a hour away. i was just interested in hearing from others and hows theres went. thank you;)

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My Grey was fine when we brought him home. But, the big difference is, the breeder lives 5 minutes from my house. We went and visited the clutches and let the Grey pick us. We visited every week from week 6 to 16.


There was one Grey there that I called the "Grey from Hell". He attacked me and bit good drawing blood more than once from the time he was 13 weeks old on. I told the breeder, in my opinion, they should keep him as a breeder...they did. It would have made someone the worse nightmare they could have imagined. In fact. it attacked the breeder a few times too.


Have you visited your Grey at the breeders and handled him/her a little? That will make a big difference if your not an entire stranger.

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I think it's makes a big differnce is how the breeder take care of the baby. Just becouse the breeeder handfeed it, dosen't mean it tame. A good Breeder will take some time and play with the baby everyday and let it play with other birds. And I agree with danmcq it will make a differce if it know you a liittle before you get it.


That go's for all birds not just grey's.

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We were fortunate; we got Klaus from a guy who happens to live right in our neighborhood, so the drive home wasn't traumatic at all. And he was only about 4 months old when we brought him home so he's always been pretty easy to deal with. He does bite a little, but I figure it goes with the territory. We grey owners are a tough bunch! :P

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That is a great sign Kimmie and your baby Grey sounds like it has been well socialized.


We'll look forward to hearing from you after you visit your new baby and maybe see a photo or two. :-) I'll bet Sunday isn't coming fast enough for you.


But, guess what, the clocks roll forward an hour tonight, so thats a 1 hour freebie you get of not having to anxiously watch the clock. Just move it forward an hour!!:woohoo:

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I totally agree Greenwing - the ladies who hand fed Bella were very attentive, and socialzed the babies a good deal, teaching them 'no bite', 'step up' and cuddling a good deal with them. In fact, I just read in the Parrot's Handbook that how babies are socialized during hand feeding is something that affects them through out their lives.

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kimmie_30 wrote:

yeah the baby has been handfed and the breeder plays with them i go for the first visit sunday, and i bring the baby home in two weeks. she said he is really sweet and wants to be held. so i take that as a good sign.


That's great Kimmie! Will you have some time alone with him? I recall my breeders brought Bella and I to a room where they then quietly left and let Bella and I have some bonding time alone. They left me with grapes and goodies for her. But it sounds like Dan had the most interation with Dayo before he brought Dayo home - his approch might be really worth taking note of! :)

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LMAO Kimmie that experience that you read was MINE! And she has come a long way! And don't know how old yours will be but mine was almost 6 months old when I got her. But yes that wasn't a fun experience for us or for her! I'm sure you will have more luck with yours! I think now that wasn't the only factor looking back, I think it was also the breeder had a bunch of other birds, so she couldn't spend one on one with mine too much and she lived in TX and we were here in WV so there was no way for us to visit. But please don't go by my horror stories lol. She is doing much better now with all the work and training we have had to do with her lol.

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lol yeah that was yours lol after i read your experience i was thinking that i hope i dont have to go through all that but i am one that will work with it if it does turn that way lol but the breeder said that my baby is wanting to be heald and everything is a big time lover so i will find out tomorrow when i go for my visit.

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When I brought Alcazar home the only thing that worried me was him always falling down.He kept jumping so I had to keep old towels and newspapers in there for a month until he stopped. He was a tad clumsy. After a month he stopped

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Yes Kimmie I'm glad you can go see your baby I really think that will make all the difference. Mine was handled by the breeder and loved to be cuddled by her as well. But I couldn't do this so she could get used to me for those 6 months. So that kind of stunk! And than just with everything else factored in, we had to work with her when she came here, but have made much progress with her! So good luck to you and let us know how things are going!!


And like Toni said they can be very clumsy! Mine at 6 months was still a little clumsy.

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