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Melted plastic


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Before I get loads of comments about how I can't even boil water, let me start by saying "This wasnt my fault!":(


Last night I was feeling pretty miserable with a flu. I had come back from scouts where I am a leader and tucked myself into a blanket in front of the TV. My husband was looking after the solid fuel range for the evening. He forgot to take the kettle off the hotplate and it boiled dry. The first I knew was a smell of burning plastic. The handle had melted right off the kettle and was melting on to the hotplate.


The room my birds are in is right off this room. I opened all the windows and moved the budgies out of the room, but the whole house was full of strong fumes. They all seem ok this morning... should I do any more regarding vets or anything?

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Wow - Your fortunate the plastic didn't catch on fire once it hit the burner.


Your birds will be fine since you took immediate action and opened the house up. :-)


Sorry to hear you have the flu, it seems to be everywhere right now :-(

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It didnt reach the burner - its a solid fuel stove, so it was on top. But the smell was AWFUL.


This flu stinks... the reason I am on here typing so much today is because I have lost my voice, and being Irish I have to keep talking even if it is via my keyboard ;) My kids are in heaven because I can't scream at them! The greys are a bit confused because I'm not answering them though :(

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Sorry to hear you have the flu and yes it seems everyone has it, hope you feel better soon.


You did the right thing in getting the windows open and airing out the place, that was quick thinking. And the fact that they are ok this morning is enough to quit worrying about it now, its over and done with, just be more careful in the future, ok:whistle:

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  • 1 year later...

wow, that had to be scary, but it's good to know that something like that wont necessarily kill them. I remember I let a digiorno pizza wrapper get close to heat and shrivel a little bit, and I was thinking "oh thank God I don't have my bird yet"


but needless to say I'll be more careful of things like that now that it happened once.


I'm sure you've got a similar thought process going on right now.

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