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Chipped Beak?


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I was just wondering if anyone knows if beakies grow back? When we first got Eddie about a year and a half ago his beak was fine. However, about a week after we brought him home, I notice that some of his beack had broken away. :( The length of his beack is still the same but its as if several layers have snapped off the outside of his beak about 3/4 of the way down. The end of his beack is very thin now. Its never caused him any problems and I have no idea why it happened but I wonder if anyone knows if it will grow back?


I will try and post some pictures tonight when I get home.


He used it perfectly fine yesterday to bite the workman who called round. He was warned and still chose to give Eddie a chomp!! :pinch:

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I love these people who think the "love" birds and all birds will "love" them back!!


What you are describing sounds perfectly normal. The beak is made of layers of keratin. You can help keep Eddies beak in good condition by giving him a concrete or pumice perch to file his beak on. Alternatively you can bring him to the vet and he will file it using a tool like a dremel. I wouldnt recommend you try doing anything with it yourself as you could hurt him.


But if he can eat, and climb and bite! I don't think there is anything to worry about.



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Thanks Siobhan, I thought it would be ok as it wasn't affecting his ability to eat but always better to check!


The workman was so funny. We had Eddie in his cage as the guy was fixing a window and he walked right passed his cage and actually asked, "does he bite"? So I told him Yes and hard too! On he went with his work and just before he left he leant in and was talking away to Eddie. Eddie was fab, he had his gooey look about him and was pushing his neck up to the bars almost begging the guy to scratch him. So of course, in went the finger and Eddie took his chance.:laugh: I have never seen anyone jump so high in my life! The absolute icing on the cake was Eddie saying straigt after "Rocky, (our dog)tut tut" and then cackling his head off! I was so impressed! Well, I did warn the guy :whistle:


Post edited by: Louisejane, at: 2008/03/05 13:25<br><br>Post edited by: Louisejane, at: 2008/03/05 14:11

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I love it when people don't listen. There are a few birds at my work that love to bite people because the reactions they get out of them. The Caninde macaws are the worst because they like to steal stuff. They are expert watch assasins, and will pull the winders out in a blink of an eye. We tell people "they will break your _____ " but people always are like, "no, he's fine..." and thats when they always do it. One guy had on a Movado watch...very pricey...and he was like, "This is a good watch, they can't hurt it." and 2 seconds later the winder was gone! You should have heard this guy cussin' and yelling but we told him we warned him. Now he is stuck with a $600-$700 repair bill.

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Notice how its always the guys that have to do it anyway!;)


Eddie's adorable with me and when I put my hands in his cage he kisses and nibbles but he won't let anyone else do this as the guy found out. I bet he went home and told his family what an evil knievel he met today!!:evil:


Where do you wonk BMustee? I would love to be around birds all day! What a perfect job!

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OH I KNOW!!! We almost start placing bets on people as they walk in as to who is going to be bite and who will be smart and ask us to help them with the birds. To tell you the truth it is the men that blow us off when we tell them to leave the birds alone because they are in the mood for biting or that there is impending property damage.


Elmo is pretty good with strangers...yet to have anyone go to his cage though...it's in my bedroom.

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