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Help with Charlie.


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Morning everyone, its early for me but I need someones help. Woke at just before one to Charlie flying frantically round his cage. When I went downstairs, He was shaking, four of his primary feathers were on the bottom of the cage and three tail feathers. It took a while to calm him and I sat up all night with him with the light on. When I put the radio on this morning, I found out there was an earthquake at about the same time! I have phoned two vets for advice, they think it is connected and as he is singing away and eating not to worry to much. I am so upset, I have never seen an animal so scared. I have taken the day off work and have been advised to keep him in his cage for a couple of days. What do you suggest I do with him tonight? Will he be scared when we go to bed and what about the loss of the flight feathers, letting him out etc... Will they grow back? The primarys are ell from one wing. Just need reassurance from people who understand. Thanks Caroline.:(

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Caroline birds can sense when something is about to happen,mine know when we are going to have a thunder storm they go very quiet & subdued.Charlie sounds as if he knew something was wrong & has a night fright which has caused him to flap around the cage with the loss of his feathers.The shaking will be beacause his was frightened.His feathers will grow back in time, i would keep him in his cage for a few hours but then get him out for a cuddle , play & a little reasurrence that all is ok from mum.Tonight i would follow the normal nightime routine you have for Charlie as if nothing has happened, if he does seem a little scared i would leave a dim light on for him.

If he is singing, eating then he will be fine,the experience has probably upset mum more than Charlie ;)


Caroline forgot to say if i was in your situation i would take Charlie out of his cage, different from what the vet has advised but i would try to keep his routine normal, keeping him locked up for a few days may have Charlie wandering what he has done wrong ;)<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/02/27 11:45

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Hi Caroline


This happened to our grey last night too. He literally fell off his perch and we found him sat on the bottom of his cage panting and shaking. He was terrified. We had to sit with him and coax him back onto his perch with praise and reassurance.


I would maybe leave a light on for him in a corner somewhere tonight. We had to do the same for Eddie as each time we turned it out last night he started flapping about. It scared the heck out of us so it must have been extra scarey for a little grey!


I hope he's better soon Caroline.

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wow this a is a coincidence, Caroline on reflection my 4 in the bird room took longer to settle last night !2 of them were flapping around & i did put a light on to check them, i didnt think anything of it untill now ! maybe all incidents are related ? we are all in the UK ? will be intresting if any other UK members had un settled greys last night ?<br><br>Post edited by: lovemyGreys, at: 2008/02/27 12:01

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Thanks for that. He seems his normal self at the moment. It did shake me up though. Neighbours have said the doors were shaking so it must have been scary for Charlie. We dont have any experience of earthquakes do we so I suppose it was a bit unusual for all of us. Will do that tonight and see how he is. Dont want him injuring himself anymore. He looks a sorry sight this morning. Charlie is a very nervous bird anyway, and when he does have time out of his cage will fly if he hears a noise. How is this going to affect his flight with the feathers all coming off from one wing? :unsure:

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;) Thanks Louisejane





John Godfrey, Hemel Hempstead, 27/02/2008 09:09:00 Bubbles Frightened in earthquake - Apsley,Hemel Hempstead - Flew around off his perch for at least 15 Secs last night when earthquake happened Email this photo Upload a photo Report this photo


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Have kept a close eye on Charlie all day. He seems okay in himself but keeps dropping off his perch when playing. Think it is obvious he is not going to be able to fly. How Dangerous will this be when hes out? He has always been a good flier. He normally sits on top of his cage and flies down from there. Do you think this is going to cause a lot of problems? He is 9 months and just started a molt. When do you think his flight feathers will come back? :unsure:

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I think in truth that you are probably more upset about his feathers than he is. I bet he doesnt even miss them anymore, though at the time with all that happened im sure he was terrified. His flights will come back in time and he will most likely have long forgotton the tremors by then. Just make sure you try to keep his routine as normal as possible and try to be as calm as you can around him. Don't feel bad about it and you did a wonderful job in handling the situation!! Just remember all birds will lose feathers so he might not even notice they are gone. He may not fly the same until he grows them back as the others suggested, test it out over a soft surface.

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HI everyone. Tested Charlie with his flying today over a soft surface and like I thought he is unable to fly. He looked really confused and tried a few times from the sofa back to his cage. I think the big problem is going to be stopping him from time out on top of his cage as I feel its to high if he decides to fly and has a fall. This is his favourite spot. Just hope they dont take to long to grow back couldnt find any links on primary feathers to give me an idea. We will just have to adapt together with a slight change to our routine and a lot more handling.;)

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The poor little mite. I have never clipped a bird so I don't quite know how it works, but surely once he cops he can't fly, he won't try? How do the greys with clipped wings not fall?


Mind you they probably have enough feathers left to glide to the floor.



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If he only has one primary on the one wing he probably was not able to glide safly at the right angle. I have been thinking and you may want to hold off on clipping his wings if you want to continue to have him fully flighted because the feathers that came out in the fright will grow back faster than the ones one the other wing that is clipped. Normally if should not take too long (every bird is different when it comes to growing feathers) so he could end up lop-sided again if you clip. One thing you can do is see how far he is able to go before hitting the floor and then put a bunch of pillows or gym mates all around his cage at that distance when he is up there just incase he trys to fly. Normally parrots realize they cannot fly pretty quick...like you said he got confused and tried to fly a few times after the first attempt, so he will probably stop trying pretty soon.

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I am sat in tears. I have just tried letting Charlie out, he tried to get to the top of the cage, I stopped him and he sat on my arm. He then tried to fly and fell down at an awkward angle which shook him up. As ive gone to pick him up hes gone to fly again and crashed across the floor into the wall. I cant have him out like this, I am so scared he is going to really hurt himself but I know he cant stay in his cage either. I am at my wits end and dont know how to help him. I need some solution as I dont know how long its going to be like this for.:(

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  • 1 month later...

HI everyone, its been how many weeks since that dreaded earthquake that caused much upset for us to do with Charlie losing his flights, but just wanted to let you know the good news, his flights have come back. They are not through completely yet but it wont be long now. We had to change Charlies routine to stop him going at certain heights, this was quite difficult as Charlie has always been fully flighted. Anyway just wanted to let you know and say thankyou to the people who were there when I needed help. :)

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