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Hello from rainy Yorkshire!

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Just wanted to say hello as I'm a newbie here.


I am the proud Mum of Eddie an African Grey who we rescued in Nov 06. He was with a family who really couldn't look after him anymore so we brought him home. We think he is around 3 years old now although he could be quite alot more than that.


Its taken quite some time but Eddie is a Mummie's boy now and will come and sit with me, let me scrath him and very generously regurgitates for me! Anyone else he ignores or bits much to my hubby's annoyance! He was very defensive when he first came to our home and would lunge and bite and was very scared and nervous. I am happy to say things are much different now and although we still have a long way to go, he is a happy Grey!


Sorry for ranting on but I really look forward to meeting some other bird lovers!




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Hello Louise and welcome to the family, so glad you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Eddie.


So glad you could rescue Eddie and give him a proper home, we always have a soft spot for anyone who does this as it takes some work to make him feel at home and bond with a new owner.


I'm sure he was very nervous and scared when he first came to your home but we preach time and patience here and that is what made the payoff work for you. He is very happy now if he is sitting with you, allowing you to scratch him and especially if he regurgitates for you, that is the ultimate reward.


Do you have any other birds or pets in your home? Most of us here have more than just our greys, a lot of us suffer from MBS and it can strike at any time.


Take a few minutes and read thru the many threads for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures besides your avatar you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Thank you for the welcome! It is so nice to be able to come onto a forum without posting a thread that starts with HELP!! we've had our ups and downs with Eddie but we've come through them and he's a fab companion now.


MBS, not 100% sure what than means but I am sure I have it, we have:- (takes a breathe)


2 Guinea pigs

1 Dog

1 Cat

1 Bearded Dragon

RIP Alfie who was my Rosella Parakeet.


I shall try and upload some pictures later.




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MBS is Multiple Bird Syndrome, most of us here have it.


Well we do have some that do just that, they have a problem and that is what brought them here but now that you have joined if you have a problem just post about it and someone will help you almost immediately, we usually have a few of our regular posters on at any given time.


Wouldn't mind seeing a pic of that bearded dragon if you would share one with us, an interesting and unusual pet.

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15187698__1193421052__1__2_4a04d521c828762a7e34e3f915ec7162.jpgcasper wrote:

Hi Louisejane, welcome I am from Yorkshire as well. Lovely to have you join us. :)


Currently nailing everything down as its blowing a gale! I'm near York and its freezing!


I will see if I can upload a picture of our beardie, just need to get techie!! She was another rescue case, as was the dog! I am such a sucker!


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They make me shudder, they're awful things. Hubby used to buy them from the shop and then transfer them into a cricket keeper. One night I heard this almighty crash and then frantic call for help coming from our room. He had dropped the tub and 30 hopping crickets had escaped all over our bedroom. We kep finding them all over the house for about a week! I slept in my daughters room! I think I would prefer crickets to a tarantula though, were you not more scared of that escaping? :blink:


I think our beardie will grow to about 2 foot. She's a darling, likes to cuddle up on a night. Eddie is so jealous so I can only let her out when I've gone upstairs so he can't see. He makes bottom burp noises when he's upset! :whistle: (I blame the husband);)

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Poor Eddie is not a happy grey this morning. I am sure most of you already heard about the earthquake in the UK last night, Eddie was completely knocked off his perch and had to be coaxed back onto it with peanuts and scritches. Poor Ed was terrified, hubby on the other hand, slept right throught he whole thing!

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