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Yeah, I know the salt is bad, the bbq spices might not be good either, I don't know. Might irritate his system as they 'travel' through him. Dorian's sooo interested in whatever I'm eating, I find myself choosing healthier food when I'm eating around his cage. Guess I could call it "The Grey Diet":laugh:

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Hmmm, I have never heard of Hulahoop crisps? But, they don't sound like a food you would want to give more than just a very tiny piece of to your Grey.


I like Totilla chips and Salsa, so I break off a very small piece of a chip and let Dayo have that to eat. I also brush the excess salt off before giving it to him.


If I don't give him something when I'm eating, He keeps trying to jam his beak between my Lips :pinch: and when that doesn't work, he licks thew outside a little...kinda tickles :-) but, I am VERY careful that he does not get inside my lips due to the Bacteria that resides in all our mouths that could be detrimental to our beloved Greys.


I'm in the same health boat as the rest...we eat a much healthier diet now, than Pre-Dayo Era B) It's Year 1 A.D. Anno Dayo :P

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Yes that is one thing for sure, having a grey does make me consume a healthier diet, I am buying more fresh veggies and fruit and not eating junk food because Josey wants whatever I am having and that is good for me too, I am losing weight because of her. How great is that!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi dont know if these would help.but you can get crisps called salt and shake,where the salt is in a packet away from the crisps,so if you didnt add the packet of salt 1 ever so often i guess wont hurt as it would just be a crisp.lol no salt at all.I dont feed crisps,bernie loves bannanna chips he would do anything for a taste :silly:

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Hi Alfie, your grey sounds alot like Eddie and seems to have a taste for everything bad! When we first picked up Eddie from his old home their advice was to buy some Walkers cheese and onion crisps and some minstrels, (chocolate) for him as he loved them. :angry: Some people have no idea. He also went mad for chips!


Very pleased to say that his addiction to junk food is slowly going away, every once in a while I will let him have a corner of a crisp as a treat. He screeches at the top of his lungs if he see's us eating crisps without sharing so our daughter has to eat hers in secret in her room! :) He now eats what we eat, I have to give him his own bowl of what we have for dinner, sweetcorn, pea's, brocolli, cauli and potatoes. He also loves chicken! Is this right??:blink:


The only fruit he will eat is green grapes, wont touch red and occasionally apple.

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No Tin you don't have a weird grey lol. SweetHeart won't eat people food! There isn't one thing really that I have found that she loves! I have tried chips lol and she throws them to the dogs! The dogs on the other hand love her!

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