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Tinkerbell -love of a flying CAG in Taiwan


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shanlung wrote:


A love story of me and my Tinkerbell, a free flying Congo African Grey parrot CAG , as we roamed about the mountains and forests and cities of Taiwan. She loves to go riding with me on the motorbike as she sit on a perch on the handle bar.




First, well when you write "a free flying Congo African Grey" I immediately think of flying w/o harness because that is EXACTLY what free flying means!


Second, not every one has time to click on the links you've provided and to read about all the training you have done with your parrot! Sorry that I didn't read more into it.

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She did free fly.


Around the apartment vicinity, she was flown without harness.


When I took her to far away places that she was not familiar with, or when she rode on the motorbike, she wore harness.


So what is your point of stressing 'EXACTLY what free flying means' ?


Do tell us.


I did not know your time is so precious. For if you had clicked and read, what I wrote in this reply would have been known to you.


I am sorry to intrude on your time with this reply of mine that might even have forced you to read.


You certainly should save your precious time and not bother to reply.<br><br>Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2008/12/21 14:35

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Wow Shanlung, you never cease to amaze me. You have made tremendous progress with Riam.


Thanks for the great links to the photos and videos. :-)


I have always greatly valued reading and viewing all your web content. It is time well spent by anyone that truly wishes to develop a great relationship with their Parrot and the Parrot enjoy life at the same time. :-)

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Shanlung, I am a fairly new member to the forum and as a grey owner (about 7 months) You are an inspiration to so many of us. I have read alot of your entries and enjoyed your photos but I plan on going to the very first entry and reading every line and going in all your links in order so I can get the most out of all of them. I appreciate you sharing all this with us.

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Thank you.




If you are new to me, you might find it easier to go to this summary of what I did with Tinkerbell. There are URLs embedded in it to take you to more details should you chose.








I knew you just got into the grey world about the time Riamfada entered into my life. Your intro was heart warming. It brought back my own memories when Tinkerbell first came into my life and how happy I was as well as how frightened I was too.


I do wish you all the happiness and magic that I know your grey will bring to you and all around you.


It mattered little to me whether you chose to read me or not.


By your own admission, you did not read, and hence you do not know.


When you chose to try to cast aspersions and slurs on what I written, despite not reading me and knowing me (and I think with the best documented and transparent account on the web), I had to set my record straight and not let it be distorted. More for other readers and you if possible.


Perhaps one day you might find the time to read some of what I have done, and perhaps you might even find it useful despite what you think of me now.




I do try my best to continue on the chronicles of Riamfada.


You will find a synopsis of that here.






10:37a Tink Mash Biscuits/Riam knew colors/fistful of lanyards



10:47a Getting Riam to do a flyabout// how sickening could I get? - 1 reply



3:23p Colors // Riamfada first lunch outing at Christmas // fishermen - 1 reply



9:51a New cat carrier // Dommie harness


Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2008/12/28 11:53


Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2008/12/28 16:20<br><br>Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2008/12/28 16:46

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shanlung wrote:

Perhaps one day you might find the time to read some of what I have done, and perhaps you might even find it useful despite what you think of me now.


Ah! I don't think bad of you at all. Just maybe that my response came out wrong and you took offense to it. It's OK! :)


I do love reading blogs. Lately I haven't had the time because I had a ton to do around the house to get ready for a party that we were having here. Now that it's over...I'm going to take a look at what work you've done with your birds. So thanks for providing the links so I can bookmark them.


I think the harness is wonderful and it definitely enhances their lives by getting some beautiful fresh air and some fly time! I really hope that one day I can get Kenzie in a flight harness because I would love to take her out on a nice day.

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Hi Goralka,


I wish you and your grey well. You will find later that I am my worse critic. And spelt out in detail the potholes I found, or made, on my path to a destination as unknown to me now or when I started.


My latest update


A Happy New Year to you all


Taking Dommie & Katie out for walks // Riamfada accepted the new cat carrier



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There are two recent journal entries that you might find interesting and with photos embedded in it



Riam at Siefa beach flying up to me on sand dune in stiff cross wind


shanlung: Oman won 19th Gulf Cup//Riamfada outing to Yiti/Seifa beaches // Katie's first 'present' to us




shanlung: Wadi walk: Al Wadi Al Saghir with Riamfada




Warmest regards


Shanlung<br><br>Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2009/02/03 20:30

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Thank you


Riam is also the catalyst and energiser for our travelling about in Oman the way Tink was for us in Taiwan.


I doubt we would have been to that many places without Tink or Riam now.


Since then, a couple more reports were written that might give you folks interesting reading.



shanlung: Wadi Al Maih// Modify Riamfada Mash//kitty harness and preparing to take them out too



shanlung: Beach outing with Jessica / / Preparing for Riam future // Chess final // beach outing with kitties

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  • 3 weeks later...

As always Shanlung, your intriguing stories and adventures with photos are always a good and welcome. Read.


They set a great example of just what a wonderful relationship can be built with ones Grey, that results in both enjoying life to the fullest. :-)

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Thank you folks,


You might like this lot too.



Latest updates



26-27Feb Cherry blossoms at mountain village Wekan // Yiti





5Mar onward - and 2 kitties at Wadi Fanja again




12 March Nakhal Fort/hotsprings



We said our goodbyes to our beasties in Oman


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The Formosan blue magpies were incredible. While the photos you seen were great, those photos could never approach those magpies in real life. Perhaps HD TV might do that one day.


Here is more


Reflections on Tinkerbell //Smelling roses on mountains // Attack on my wife


http://shanlung.livejournal.com/97874.html<br><br>Post edited by: shanlung, at: 2009/05/05 21:23

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