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Tinkerbell -love of a flying CAG in Taiwan


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Oh Shanlung! What a wonderful afternoon you must have had! Her birds are darling and I'm with you on hoping I can have a setup like hers at some point in my life with huge spaces where multiple birds can fly freely and safely. I'm so happy you were able to spend time with her and her flock!

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Shanlung - It's great to hear from you again!!!


Your question in the link to the blog you sent:


"Can there be anything wrong if we take solace and refuge in reading of some happy times?"


It is a great irony, that amid the world we live in, with all it's wonders, yet lacking in the "good". That it is just that glimmer of light and hope we gain, from reading or hearing of those happy moments that keep the dark of this world from over shadowing us.


Your prolific writing and photos of Tinkerbell have inspired all that have read and viewed them.


I always look forward to hearing from you!


Thanks for this "light" and spirit lifter!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/29 21:06

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  • 5 months later...

luvparrot, that is fixed and you can read and see the photos there now.


cflanny, it is a pleasure to be with folks that share love and passion for all things bright and beautiful.


I probably learn more from all of you than you all did from me. Some of the most innocent questions from beginners with a day with their bird triggered my head into more overdrive than many of the sayings of people with decades keeping of birds.


You all are on a long magical journey with your beasties and birdies. Take all you need from whatever you read and apply it if you see fit to your relationship with your creatures.


The relationship should be equal with equals, and no one be the boss, you or them.



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Thank you folks.


Sorry if I do not reply to each of you individually.


Instead of the 2 weeks I thought I would wait, I had a call this afternoon that Riamfada will be handed to me.


I took her in and she is with me now, a most beautiful Congo African Grey.

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Thanks for posting these to the story of Riamfada coming into our life. The photos and videos are wonderful. You have truly made huge progress in just a short amount of time with her.


Looking forward to reading and seeing this new relationship unfold over time as you keep us all updated on this. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thank you.


It is kind of strange how much creatures in my house can energise me. And birdies especially.


As you all know, first was Tinkerbell, then came Yingshiong.


Now it is Riamfada.


Here is a trip over my last weekend, made without him. In the near future, you all will be seeing Oman through our collective eyes the way you had seen Taiwan via me and Tinkerbell.



shanlung: Turtle watching at Raz Al Jinz and Riamfada independence

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Those are some beautiful pictures and what a lucky Tinkerbell!


After hearing the story of Andrew and his CAG, Tui, I don't think I'd ever take the chance.


Could you imagine bonding with a bird for years and then to never see it again?


Do you put a harness on her? In one of the photos it looks like there is a string under her, but I can't tell.

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Thank you.




Tinkerbell is my CAG in Taiwan and still in Taiwan given to the care of Mr Yu and his family. They kindly allowed me to visit them each year to take Tinkerbell out with me. Come March/April 09, I will be there again on holiday and be with her.


The recent emails in this thread is on Riamfada, a rescued CAG given into my care in Muscat, Oman.


He came to me 6 weeks ago, frightened of hands and refused even to do step ups.


If you have read even a bit more of me, you know my background and what I have done. I was lucky to have walked with giants and used their shoulders to stand on and then went on into my path.


Which is why Tinkerbell first flown by me in 2002 is still around and flown by Yu and will be around to unite with me. There are more birds in my life , but I will not bore you with talk of them as you seemed to have so little interest in details of what I have done. After all, a click on that URL above that photo above would have brought you to my blog with explicit descriptions and large photos showing the harness and other arrangements. And yet more preceding entries of the training that we did.


You brought up Andrew and Tui as if that example must be taken to heart and lesson to remember.


Andrew did not bother to find out as much as he could before he did what he did with Tui. Andrew chose to stand on shoulder of a dwarf with his CD of a private road to promised land, the same kind of private road flogged by Madoff.


Things I wrote and because I gave freely of that, were deemed worthless by Andrew and below the dignity of his consideration. Because he think he paid for CD by a dwarf, he thought that was valuable.


Tui paid the ultimate price. You bear that in mind please.


Do not let Tui likely death to be in vain.


That is discussed in further detail in a thread here




Do go there and read.



For all other folks, here is a new entry I made.

With Riamfada videoed in flying to specific places as cued by me, and a lot more stuff that I hope you would enjoy, or get a few laughs from.


More Karmic retribution on Katie / directional flights / walking with Riam and Dommie



Shanlung - I edited the links so they would work. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/21 15:06

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