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Thats an impressive playstand, makes the one I made look very simple but Josey will not go near it so it was all for nothing but yours is a work of art, you did a great job with it and no wonder the birds enjoy it so much, thanks for sharing some pics of it with us.

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hi guys jus wanted to say all your stands are fantastic but i jus havent got the time to totally build 1 for my baby cag at the min so have found a stand made from wood and stainless steel to start but wanting to wrap something round the perches to give it some colour and better grip!! any ideas of what is safe and best and where please?? many thanks

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'Vetwrap' appears to be popular! This is the veterinary bandage that sticks to itself, but isn't sticky. Comes in a gazzillion different colours and patterns. I've been looking at sisal string, but need to master finishing the tail on the whipping so that madam can't undo it :)

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I love how most people to choose to make their own play gyms! They are a lot better and cheaper and you always have many more options on changing it. Brennen and I made with PVC and the base with manzanita, camellia, and rope perches.







Ruby playing crazy. He actually unscrewed this toy from the ceiling when he began flying in a circle and holding on to it and fell.

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Pandora, the pvc pipe is used in home construction and can be found in the plumbing section of home improvement stores, at least that's where it is sold here in Canada. The colourful tape that's wrapped around the pvc is called vet wrap. It's used to tape up injuries on animals, and can be usually be found in places that sell tack supplies for horses (you can buy it from the vet, but it'll be twice as expensive!). People also use sisal rope to wrap the pvc pipe. My bird Dorian doesn't like sisal at all, but other members' birds prefer it over the vet wrap. You just have to experiment until you find what your bird likes. Have fun.

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I made some like this too. They work very well in my opinion. How did you do the bowls? I did mine a little diff but am always looking for new ideas. These are great. Since they are inexpensive, you can have multiples and also change them up for something new. I'll try to post some pics of mine.

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