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prepare me for the bites neosporin or finger casts


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Ok so ive been gathering info on the net about grey parrot thinking and from the many different prespectives i have found one constant...The only way to truly stop a grey from biting you is to allow him to do it and pretend its not happening and perform said .. earthquake manuvre.....( moving the arm just enough to wobble said bird).Meanwhile not so much as a frown or grimmace from the onslauht of beak to skin contact.LOLOLOLOL.


1. How hard have you all been bitten....?

2. Has anyone lost any digits.....?

3. recieved stiches....?

4.had a vein torn out ?


My imagination is running wild because i havnt gotten my bird.Should i just wait till our session is over ( when Im ready to put him down ) and then wipe the blood away Thanks for looking at my rantings.:lol:

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Rickster - you need to search "Parrot Bite Me Club" for some true tales of horror! (Just kidding, it can't be that bad if we all still have our birds, right?)

Anyway, the best way to avoid a bite is not to invite one. Always be calm and move slowly. Look at your bird sideways, lower your head a little and narrow your eyes (this makes you look friendly). When moving your hand toward the bird, come in from the side/back. If you approach from the top/front you will trigger their defense mechanism. The best of us have been bitten, though, so I'm glad you're prepared and willing to put up with it in exchange for the rewarding experience of having a grey.

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HA! You don't want to hear my stories...but I worked in a vet office, so I had to occassionally invite a bite for the sake of the bird's overall health.


I will tell you things I have learned over the years in avoiding them. First, everything Laurie said!:) Also, don't have fear in your heart when you approach. If you are expecting to get bit, you have a better chance of having it happen. They will sense your apprehension and fear...which will make them wonder just why are you afraid.


I can tell you that I still have all my digits!:P

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No bites for me yet, but a hard nibble today. The worst has been the nails. WOW ARE THEY SHARP!!! I tried to trim them, but that was not going to happen. I don't think my clippers were sharp enough and the pressure freaked her out.


We got our foraging tree today...YAY...so that should help wear those nails down quick...but for now my hands look like hamburger.

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I was bitten REALLY hard once... Almost needed stitches. IMO the worst bites are when they get the pads of your fingers and go through the nail. I try to keep them hidden when Makena is feeling bitey.


Whenever I get bit I tend to just ignore it which is darn hard!! If there is one thing I have learned about greys, they are determined little buggahs!! If they want to bite you they will... and won't let go!!

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I must admit I am one of those people who can't ignore a bite, it is just a shocked reflex reaction to yell. I think it is the fact that I never ever expect him to bite me and he doesn't. Except for one time.


I had my foot strecthed out on the table and he just ran up and bit it, I swear he didn't even realise my foot was attached to me and thought it was a toy. He got me right on the big toe and I let out a yell. He froze and looked at me. He hasn't done that again.


One thing you have to be careful of when they bite is actually pulling away as I did with the toe bite because of course his beak was still attached and I pulled him across the table.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My parrot Loves me.Ive had Chico (12 year old cag) for 2 and a half weeks now and things couldnt be better.He steps up for me anytime i want him to and steps down the same.He has not bitten me to hurt me as of yet and has only beaked me to remove my hand from his wings a few times.He regurgitates nearly everytime i talk to him and starts with the headbobbing and wimpering bit ( now the regurgitating is getting kinda old...) He will go anywhere in the house with me and gets off his cage and walks across the floor to get to me when im in the room.In short Im no longer afraid of him ripping a finger off.Thanks for the horror stories guys!

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Just keep in mind that even though it is going good for you right now sometime in the future you will get bit but don't fear it, I don't think he would ever rip a finger off but he could rip off a little flesh for it. Just pay attention to his body language and you can avoid most of them.:S

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rickster - That is great! However do keep in mind that you will typically go through a honeymoon phase with a new older bird, followed by them testing you (what they can get away with, ect) and you may find that things change a bit. Learn bite body language, the best bites are the ones that are avoided and do some reading on how to handle it when it happens as chances are one day it will...better prepared. Congrats on your new baby!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw you bitting problem and thought this might help.

Here is a link for training video, one video should help you with bitting. I personally have three video but mostly for trick, but the video are really easy to follow.


I know is say's macaw taming but he list grey too.




hope this help, and I believe you can get a video free for 3 or 4 days something like that, but don't quote me, I may be wrong.

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LOL Rickster, It is great you are doing good with your little guy! And great that you are giving him a home. But like the others have said, just keep in mind it may happen. I have had SweetHeart for 4 months now and still no bites for me either. But you always have to be aware and look for the signs of when he will/may bite. But we are all very glad he is bonding well! Our Quaker regurgitates for my husband as well. He will just put her back on her stand and try to ignore it. It can lead for sexual frustration for them as well if you encourage it. Well that and she backs up to his arm lol. We were told that was all a sign of her/him wanting a mate and Molly has picked my husband lol. So just be aware which I'm sure you are that we weren't telling horror stories to scare you, but to let you know that even the most trusted bird can bite at any given time. Good Luck with him, and hope to hear more from you along with some pics!

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Update : Chico and I are doing fine I cant imagine life without him now. Hes like one of our children.Hes not bit me to hurt me as of yet , though if something startles him he will latch on.He takes my finger in his mouth and chews it ever so gently.I may be pushing the boundries now though and a nasty bite may be iminent as I have began toweling him ( wich he is terrified of) to get him into his carrier ( which he is also terrified of) but its a chance im willing to take as I want him to be able to go places with us.i took him to my grandfathers the other day and although he hated the twoeling and getting into the carrier, he was good as gold once we got there and was very vocal as he set at the table and ate with us.Ill let you know how many fingers I lose towards the end of the week.. lol.

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Glad to hear things are still going good!! Funny thing here is that with all my birds the only ones that have bit me and drew blood are my Budgies and I have a lovebird that would LOVE that chance also!! Her I dont give the chance...no thanks I will pass there!! She is a nesty little hen and nasty as they come!! LOL! But I love her to peices!! Fawkes "bites" but not hard, and usually she is just playing. Congrats!!!

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I am so jealous of you guys whose birds don't bite! Oliver has been with me 5 months now and although he bites less often now than he did at the beginning, he still gets me at least once most every day.


Tonight, for instance, he was in a loving mood. I had to go out for a couple of hours after his dinner and when I came back he danced for me to pick him up. He couldn't get enough cuddles and head scratches! He was so sweet! Then, for no reason that I could see, quick as a snake, he bit me. I firmly told him "Don't bite" and put him in his cage and left the room. When I came back in he danced to be picked up and cuddled again. After sitting on my lap and playing for a while he did it again. He knows he'll go back to his cage for "time out" when he does it, so why does he keep doing it? My current theory is that he wants to make sure I don't forget he can and will punish me if I step out of line :(

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Hi KatB, Eddie is exactly the same. The very first time we went to see him I petted him though the bars and he very kindly bit through the skin of my hand!:pinch: We loved him anyway and although he loves scritches and strokes he will, wihout warning, turn ad bite. As soon as he bites and I jump he shreeks "Owwwww" and then tells the dog off and proceeds to cackle. He gives no warning at all and despite me watching gives no indication that he is about to do it. Other times he will cuddle up and enjoy a whole night without biting. Typical bloke, cannot make his mind up!:P<br><br>Post edited by: Louisejane, at: 2008/03/06 13:53

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I bought a new play stand to put in my room for my grey (note that there is 6 of us in this house hold and he's only bonded with me). He also has his cage downstairs so I guess it was a bit exciting for him to be in my room. Anyway, my older sister approached him and he was just sitting on my bed (his stand is next to it), she went to kiss him and BAM, he bit her lip very hard, made it bleed. My instinct was to tell him off, so I pointed my finger out and said, "COCO, NO!" he bit me very hard on my finger and made me bleed. I reacted and shouted (wrong thing to do lol). Basically he bit me like 2 - 3 times in a row and he was very scared cos I shouted at him. This was the first time he'd ever bitten me.


You CANNOT react, this is what I learnt from this experience. Did you know that Greys are not vicious? Did you know that in the wild Greys avoid fights and just fly away?


They don't know why they are being told off... Coco was either protecting me and his new home, or he just wanted to be left alone. He can't exactly say, Oh hey leave me alone :dry:


If you tell off your parrot, they can even lose your trust. Lucky for me Coco still loves me very much :side:

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