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N'Kisi Project- telepathy with greys


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In my internet research on birds I came across the following site that I thought was very interesting:


Basically, it is about a research project that involved an African grey named N'Kisi and his owner Aimee Morgana. Aimee spent hours with her bird, and he had developed quite a vocabulary because of her efforts. She had discovered that he seemed to have knowledge about things she was thinking about or looking at even if she wasn't within his sight. She contacted a guy who had done research about dogs knowing when their owners are coming home before they arrive. The project involves interspecies communication and telepathy. N'Kisi was videotaped in a separate room from Aimee while she looked at pictures of certain objects that N'Kisi knew the labels for. In many instances he could describe what she was looking at- it seemed to me that it proved a certain amount of telepathy existed between the two. This was done in 2002. I haven't been able to find any more updated information about the two or any additional information about this project. There is also a cute sound clip of Aimee and N'Kisi interacting with a toy. I thought people on this site might be interested in reading about them too.

I'd like to know if anyone on here has experienced anything similar with their talking birds? I find the whole prospect very intriquing and one more step in proving how intelligent other species besides us can be, similar but also very different from the studies involving Alex. Hope you enjoy it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A few years ago I saw the show that featured Nkisi and Sheldrakes studies. It was absolutely amazing. I am still intrigued by the abilities of Nkisi and very suprised there has been no more about it in recent years since then. But what really got me back on this subject is my 4 year old grey Bosco. It just started a few weeks ago. When I get the feeling of a yawn coming on and I start to yawn, Bosco makes the sound of me yawning. Put yourself in my shoes. Your lying there on the couch watching TV and you start to yawn. Your mouth stretches wide open and you slowly and silently draw in air. Right at that moment you hear something from the other room. It's your pet grey and it's making a yawning a sound. Your bird cant see you and you cant see your bird. You get up off the couch and go into the other room and look at your bird and wonder, how the hell did you know I was yawning. Are you making fun of me or just having fun with me. How did you do it?


This has happened 10 times in the past few weeks. What triggers Bosco to yawn when I yawn, when there is no visual or audible communication going on here?

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I think your Grey can read your bodu language beter than you think. We all start a yawn off when a certain facial action, even the slightest sing of this that is consistant, your Grey would pick up. They are keenly superior to us in detecting suttle changes we would never notice.


Just a thought. But, my CAG Dayo Yawns when I do also. :-)

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How does body language play a part in this situation. I dont see how you are making a connection with body language when absolutely no body language can be read visually or communicated to the bird because the bird is in the other room. Plain and simple the bird cannot see me. How is this possible?

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The sound of a yawn will make them yawn.


Studies done on this subjest link Empathy to why everyone yawns when one person does. Autistic children won't yawn when they see someone yawn like you and me do because autistic people normally are not capable of empathy. Parrots however are able to read facial expressions and know when we are happy, sad, mad and so on. They can also understand the tone of our voice. When I get stern with Elmo he knows I'm not happy with him and says "sorry" by putting his head down.


OK, now that I have said that...having emotions that are very much like humans, when they hear a yawn or see a yawn they will do it as well. So if your grey heard you yawn then there is your answer to why he yawned.

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That's interesting Tunjee! I wonder if he really is picking up some psychic waves from you? Anything else like this happen between you two that makes you wonder?


DUKEdevils36- I thought it was an interesting story and really did think that other grey owners would be interested to read about it.


DanMcQ and BMustee you raise interesting points regarding empathy and the ability of our greys to pick up on our body language. The interesting thing about this study though was the fact that the bird was in a totally different room with no audio or visual clues from his owner. The comments that he made about the pictures she was looking at were made totally independent of him receiving any kind of message from her through a look or a sound she might have made. I just thought it was a really fascinating topic!

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  • 7 months later...

Just thought I'd bring this post back up again-- from the deep deep depths of the grey forum and ask- do any of the newer members notice a telepathic connection between them and their birds?

Maybe noone else thinks this topic is interesting but I'm really quite fascinated by it. I wish some more researchers would explore the subject.

I know, it's like UFO's, bigfoot (right Dan?) :lol: and Nessie, something people might have to see to believe. Check out the link and listen for yourself and let me know what you think about it!

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  • 5 months later...

I remember seeing a TV show either about this or about these exact people and this bird. It was one of the things that attracted me to parrots. I've noticed AnnaBella does this a little, sometimes. A few times when I've been holding her on my hand, I went to whistle the "wolf whistle" and at the exact moment I was forming my lips to do it, she made the "wolf whistle" noise. This has happened maybe 5-7 times in the 3 years I've had her. She has an unusually large vocabulary for her age...she started talking very young (before I got her at 3 months of age) and her vocab just took off....When she sees something like my husband handing me a soda pop, she will say "thank you" at the exact time I'm forming my lips to say the same thing. She does this with several things. I don't think it's the telepathy, I think it's the vocab, but I could be wrong. Well, no, I think it's vocab. But I do think there is some telepathy between the two of us. I can just tell by the way we interact...we kinda "finish each other's sentences". ha. Anyway, thanks for posting this. :woohoo:

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I saw that studie olso and found it quite interesting. I have seen it in my daughter's dog when she is onher way home that dog knows it and waits by the windoow he has separtion axiaty when she leaves and will not eat or leave her room until she's on her way home and he will then leave her room and go to the window to watch for her and everytime she will walk in within 15 minutes. It really does make me wonder what our pets can sence and if it come with a very close bond or if even a Pet like Tyco who is a Rescued bird and has trust issues in her past would she still be able to pick up on what I'm doing or when I'm comeing home. I wish there was more research done it would be nice to know how much they can sence whats going on.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes Jen, this is a very interesting topic - I love stuff like this. I def think N'kisi and his owner had a telepathic link - I don't see how else you could explain it, once you remove visual and audible clues, telepathy is all that's left!

I've also definitely experienced telepathy on various levels with my dogs - I'll maybe post about that in a non-grey room!!

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