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Something strange happened today


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I was cleaning Sukei’s cage and when I finished, I said go in……and he did, went to the back perch and bowed his head. Lol

Normally it’s a fight, and a good chance of loosing flesh.

I’ll let you know if this was a fluke or not tomorrow 😂

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The wife is off today, and he is a moms bird, but I wanted to clean and put him up for another test, and again, no fight.

Maybe  age is mellowing him. Best as we can figure, he turned 8 last month.

im still not convinced to let my guard down, but it is unusual. :)

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Ooo sounds like a bit of a breakthrough!
I'm sure Alfie mellowed with age. 

If Sukei has a favourite treat then it's a good idea to throw that in his food bowl to reward him for going back in his cage nicely when asked. Might help encourage the good habit.
Alfie knows that he gets a pine nut for stepping up on the perch (or arm, if he so chooses) and he gets 3 or 4 in his food bowl once he's back in his cage. Has really helped cement the routine.

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Neoow...thats a great idea!  My parrots always get a long uncooked squiggly noodle when they step onto their perch in their cage before I leave my house.  It's quite funny to hear on the snapping & clicking from the 3 of them when I leave, It's a really cute sound they are so busy with their noodle~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, this particular part of the war is over. Every night since I first posted, he goes in his cage no fight, bows his head so I can scratch his head through the bars. Hasn’t tried one time to bite. Stays there as long as I scratch.

Any suggestions on what else I should chance some flesh on? LOL😂

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That's fantastic! The hardest thing (for me) in dealing with Timber are his "moods." I'm sure he has his reasons, but I wish I knew what was going on inside that head. I've read what others say about body language, possible causes etc., but still am at a loss to figure out why he goes through the stages he goes through. I'd be careful that whatever body part you choose is expendable ;)

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Back when I was nursing him back to health in the Middle East, he used to ride on my shoulder, I could pick him up. Feed him. AND DEN. it went down hill. Folks that have been around probably remember the infomus eye picture I posted. Still have a small scar on my eye lid, along with the hands and fingers.

I don't think Ill risk an eyeball again LOL.

Kinda makes you wonder why we do it. I saved him from a dumpster at an open air market. You would think they would show a little appreciation. :) 

You mentioned stages. I think its age, hormone levels start falling off, maybe thats it. With him though, he got bagged right out of a tree in Africa, stuffed in a box and sent for a boat ride that one would not consider a Carnival Cruise., so I can imagine that would screw anyone up :) . I do however attrribute him having come from a large gene pool with being really smart, I think were around a 1K vocabulary at this point Maybe more, I havent really kept track, but he will conversate.

I did learn very early on when you get the stink eye from them, best to walk away LOL.

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Well, you know how you get brave after a few beers on a Friday night? LOL ?

This time while he was on the perch whilst I was cleaning the cage, I said “Good Boy” and the head went down.

Moment of truth, no bars. Head went down, I proceeded to scratch him on the head, and he just took it, not a flinch.

He went back after cleaning and down went the head again for more scratches.


I have a theory. I think he is learning from Kasey (My German Shepherd). I scratch her head and say good girl when we play ball.

Might be wrong, but I still have all my flesh intact LOL

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I'm always slightly envious of those with the really talkative greys. Alfie is not a big talker- and I fully accept that. He chooses what he wants to say and when and words/phrases often go in and out of favour. And he still is often able to add comedic value to any conversations going on- even with his limited vocabulary. I know he understands a lot more than he lets on too.

You could be right about Sukei learning from Kasey. Either way- having your flesh intact is still a major win!

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Timber has a fairly large vocabulary but rarely uses it. Like head scratches, his talking is when HE is in the mood, never on demand. Most of the time, he vocalizes when I'm not in the room, as if he's trying to lure me back to his area. As soon as I come through the door, silence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In case anyone was wondering, the peace has held, I can now rub his head on the pearch, while cleaning the house. In fact when he climbs out, he bows his head.

I really don’t understand, but I’m testing the limit LOL 😂

I really think he is learning from Kasey, he sees her getting love and attention..

He did nip one time, but it was soft. Like hey, I wasn’t done with the head scratch.

Anyone having bite problems hang in there, I know it is rough, believe me.

it’s been years to get here, but it’s rewarding.

If your into instant gratification, Greys  might not be for you lol

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Well another week has passed, I believe this is a done deal. inside and outside the cage, no flesh loss. And now he demands longer scratch time as long as mom is not around.

I won't bore you anymore with this, unless he is playing the long game LOL.

At the end of this month, Im going on vacation 7 glorious days in the South Pacific, first time since I got back from the Middle East, 7 years, doesn't seem like I have been home that long, Time flys.


Waited till Kasey was spayed so I could board her. I bring this up only because, Sukei get's boarded too. I hope it doesn't screw up the progress made, and also to tell you if this place decides to take a dump between the 17th and the 28th, your on your own, Im not bringing a computer. I work in a box at my home, and it all stays :)

Im sure it will be fine, I have only had two issues with the site in the last 7 years, you should be good to go. If not, just wait, it will come back when I do.

See ya !

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That's great news and such good progress!
Alfie normally isn't too bad when I go away. He normally gets quite excited when I return and forgives me relatively quickly.

I hope you have a wonderful break!

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