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Has anyone heard from Ray P?


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6 hours ago, Timbersmom said:

.No, I've been wondering too. Also about Murphchk.

Murphchk is doing good.  Her and her husband had to downsize their flock due to respiratory problems.  They're down to 9 or something 🤣.    I laugh because I can't handle more than the 7 I have.  They moved out of the big shitty (like we did) and landed in Paradise, Texas.  That's the real name of the little town!

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So much of the traffic here has been stolen by Farcebook.   I'm not sure why, other forums are doing well including avian avenue which I almost never go to, it's too full of whackjobs (similar to farcebook) for me.   Farcebook can't really compete with sites that provide real valuable source of historical technical information like tractorbynet, dieselsite and weldingweb which I'm on and those are still going strong.   This site is just hanging on by a thread and one of my other much-loved sites is already dead - 'thatquailplace'.

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I agree with all of you, fb, TikTok, instagram, they have all taken away great posting abilities. The under 10 second attention span….I believe many of us are just too busy on other social media sites scrolling away ….there is such a wealth of info here..  that’s why it will stay as long as possible. It’s irreplaceable information that you won’t find elsewhere. We lost a lot of our long time experts…and newbies don’t seem to be ..are their new parrot owners, and if so where are they?

Ray was having some health issues after losing his wife..I hope he checks in again soon..also, Judygram has disappeared as well…


I really appreciate those of you that have hung in and check in from time to time.  Thank you for taking the time .🥰

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