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I'm very lucky...


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Despite living with Alfie for 18 years, there are times when he still manages to surprise me.

I'm having my kitchen, living room and dining room refurbished, which means we are living in a bit of chaos at the moment. Alfie has a second, smaller cage upstairs in my office, so he's living in that permanently for now as his downstairs cage is currently stashed in the garage. The cats are also shut out of the downstairs areas and I'm practically living upstairs all the time too. So we're all on top of each other and managing with less space than usual. Alfie still gets out of cage time, but he has a lot less space to play in upstairs, as I have to keep him in the office room instead of having the whole of the downstairs to play in. 

What's really surprised me is how well Alfie has adapted to all the changes that have been going on - as well as all the noise and commotion. I wasn't sure how well he would cope with the smaller cage, sleeping in a different cage/room and the space around him changing as well (we are surrounded by boxes and dining chairs!). I also worried about all the noise disturbing him but he hasn't seemed phased at all. He's settled into his space and routine without issues and none of the noises and moving stuff around seems to have upset him at all. We even ended up having the paths outside my house being dug up (unrelated to the above work - new fibre cabling is going in around the local area) and despite some of the work rattling the entire house, he hasn't been bothered by any of it at all.

It's made me realise how lucky I am to have him. He's been taking all of this in his stride and thankfully none of my worries about how it might affect him have come to anything. I'm lucky to have such a boisterous and confident bird. 🙂

...Although if I walk past with the washing basket he still lunges at it as if he thinks it's going to kill him... and don't get me started on how he still growls at wrapping paper.... 😂


Edited by neoow
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That post put a smile on my face.  It’s amazingly how they trust you and when surroundings change, they just kind of go with it!  He surely trusts you, love that the laundry basket and wrapping paper make him growl! Would love to see videos of that!  He’s a beauty!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks all, I appreciate all the kind comments.

It's been a long road to get to this point with Alfie. He's always been boisterous and strong willed and I haven't always been his favourite person. In fact, I'm still not his favourite person- my mum is! 😂 But we've gone through a lot together to get to where we are these days and we have managed to work on and build on the trust, which has certainly helped with all the changes that are currently going on in the house. 👍

Talon - I'll try and get a video of him growling at the wrapping paper... I don't think I have any to hand at the moment but with mother's day and a couple of birthdays coming up, I'm bound to have some soon. Only issue is that he clams up as soon as he sees the camera pointing at him, so I might have to get creative. It's very cute though when he growls... I'm sure that's not his intention... to be 'cute'... but I can't help but laugh when he tries to act all big and scary... over some wrapping paper! 😁

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