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Food Bowl Question


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Lets just say for the sake of argument, that everytime you put a food bowl inside the cage, filled with everyting, IE peanuts, sunflower seeds, fruit, high dollar parrot feed. Your loved one never eats it ........ever..... He just throws it on the ground and when he gets to the bottom, throws the bowl out the door.

NOW, Logic dictates he probably doent want/like it in the cage. Or so one would think.


But a kind hearted human soul in the house says it would be animal abuse IF you don't put said bowl in the cage. THUS my quandry.


He likes to eat outside of the cage. BUT im a bad person for removing the bowl before he throws it out the door.

Keep in mind, I feed him ALL day OUTSIDE the cage, and he eats all day on the perch. It's not like im starving him.

He just doesnt like it inside the cage.


Any thoughts? Suggestions ? Am I a bad person ?  It just seems logical to do what he wants. 


Since COVID hit ive been working out of the house. Thats close to two years. In case you havent guessed Im a network engineer or thats what there calling me these days. The Kind hearted human works off site...... ok you guessed the WIFE LOL


I dont think Im a bad person, I think, Im just doing what he wants. 

There are a bunch of toys in the cage he plays with  the door open, AFTER he tosses the bowl.

If it were me, I wouldnt appreciate food in the bed...... I dunno.


Maybe im too methodical in my thinking.

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After he throws it out, does he climb down and eat it later? Sometimes Alfie will throw stuff out of his bowl only to go retrieve it later.
You can get some bowls which click into place and the bird can't pick it up and tip it out... doesn't stop them scooping it out, however.
Does he like foraging toys? You could put the food into a foraging toy instead of a bowl. Might slow him down a bit! 😂

Like you say, he's not starving himself. He gets plenty of food elsewhere. It's obviously just a little quirk of his. 

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My King's cage has doors for the 3 food bowls, and when the little doors are closed, the bowls are locked in place.  So mine can't remove his bowl.   And Snickers rarely tosses food out of his bowl, thankfully.  Not to say he won't pick up a piece of food, take a small bite of it, and then drop the rest of the piece! 

Anyway, sorry you have this dilemma.  :(


[Now my Sami (b&g macaw) will stir her food with her foot, wait for eye contact and then toss the whole footful as far as she can!  So wasteful, esp when you know it's food they like!]

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HRH Inara detests any kind of dish that sits around. She will tip it and dump it lickitysplit.  Fixed her wagon with these: 


Not only does she like them, she loves to hear her own voice in the one that I have that holds her drinking water dish. She does radio free Inara broadcasts from her little sound chamber often of a late afternoon. I like them because they contain the eating mess, and if I need someone else to come feed and water her, the outer plastic chambers slide up and the dishes come out from the outside of the cage since many birds do not take kindly to people reaching in and out of their homes, HRH included! 

Really, I would not worry about putting a food dish in his cage since he eats plenty outside of his cage and is free to roam, as long as he has plenty of access to water.  Do you close his cage door at night for him to sleep? If so, maybe some type of clamped on dish that you can stick a couple nutriberries or some type of non-spoiling food for overnights in case he gets hungry. HRH calls them her "night night cookies" as she gets one in her beak and one tossed into her external feeder when I put her to bed. You are not a meanie or a terrible hooman. :D

She also detests it if I change *any* toys in her cage. She likes her exact ones, in their same exact places, and when they wear out, she wants the exact replacements. I get it. It is her house. I wouldn't want someone coming into my home and rearranging things all the time. So your buddy keeps trying to tell you to keep that @#*(# thing out of his home. LOL 

Edited by Inara
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Rikki my cag and Nilah my Amazon have the same issue. They  throw their full of food bowls on the bottom of their  cage daily. I finally bought some of these and they work great!





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After Timber started having his seizure issues, I had to downsize his cage and make other accomodations. He was unable to perch for a time on cage mounted bowls, and everything I put on the floor of the small cage he would turn over. The avian vet recommended the crocks in the pic below. About 5 inch diameter and weighs over 20 ounces. He has no trouble perching on the side to eat, it doesn't tip, and though he can still throw things out (usually to forage for later as someone else mentioned) he can't turn it over.  This one is made by Kaytee.


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On 2/7/2022 at 5:10 AM, Talon said:

Rikki my cag and Nilah my Amazon have the same issue. They  throw their full of food bowls on the bottom of their  cage daily. I finally bought some of these and they work great!



I use these as well for my bowl pitchers.



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