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Merry Christmas


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While I was in here, I upgraded the software.

Also, a thought. Probably is Sukei specific, but this Christmas I upgraded my 5.1 sound system to a Dolby Atmos.


Sukei is a really High strung individual, and I put on some christmas music after the upgrade, and he turned into a statue LOL

He seems to be very calm almost statue like, he cant process the 7.1 LOL


Disclaimer, this may not work with your Grey :)


Anyways Merry Christmas, and Happy New Years.

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Love it!  Merry Christmas to all our family here and our entire family of greys and other winged creatures as well as all our beloved family member and pets!  Christmas is special at my house, my birds get the entire day out instead of waiting until I get home from work..which on work days saddens me..🥰

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Happy Boxing day to everyone and their fids.  I spent all day yesterday behind Dorian, sweeping up the pieces of all the cardboard boxes he got for Christmas.  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.  ❤️  Thank you KevinD for all you do.  I'm glad you're feeling better.  I've been struggling with a health issue for two years, and I know how tiring it can be.

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I'm late to the party but I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I know plans might have been changed last minute (mine certainly were!) but I hope you still got to celebrate and enjoy Christmas as best as possible.

Hope all your birds were all spoiled rotten, as they should be! 😄

I got an untreated wooden box for Alfie and filled it with crinkly paper, wood chips and lots and lots of foot toys. I gave it to Alfie before Christmas to give him chance to get used to it. He seems to like it and will hop in and start digging around. He'll then start launching toys out of the box with gusto!

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