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Zippity Chickens


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Our new place is near Lake Texoma and the hummingbirds here are thick like flies.  I hung four feeders in the spring and soon the place was a zippity chicken battleground amongst the Ruby-throats and the Black-chinned.  This morning I found one in distress.   The poor lil guy had gotten into some spider webbing and was all tangled up around his feet and was dragging around a nice little payload which made it very easy to catch him.  So I brought him in flipped him upside down and started gently untangling his lil footsies.  Hard to believe what a mess he had gotten into.  Once that was done, it was time for some obligatory cuddle time with his favorite human.   Took him back out to the feeder and he stepped up and flew off.   What a cutie.   One of those once-in-a-lifetime encounters, although this is actually my third time playing with a little hummer.


Edited by SRSeedBurners
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Here's the mob outside my work window.  I have three other feeders up and it's the same at all of them.  I sometimes feel like a I have a swarm of gnat or flies around my head.    It's weird about the video capture, it really slows their wings beats down as I believe the frame rate is only catching ever x number of beats, so it makes it look like the wings are slower than they actually are.  

Edited by SRSeedBurners
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We see a few hummers in early spring, they love the annual flowers I put out early; but never had one stick around for the glucose feeder.  Sort of sad, since I get such a joy in seeing them.  I must have neighbors with a better set up for them.  lol

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