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Perils of working from home


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Miss GreycieMae sometimes gets to sit with me in the office.   Occasionally throughout the day, I will suddenly get a gentle nip on the back of my elbow.   She has worked her way down the back of the chair and wants me to play fight with her.   Usually I will play but on days when I'm busy..she takes the pressure up a notch.  She crawls onto the arm of my chair and does a flop.  Now how am I supposed to ignore this?   That little soft belly and those wing pits right there for a tickle tickle.   Then out comes the footy of fury   🥰 😍 😆


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Oh my goodness she is just so precious!

I would lose a finger if I ever attempted anything like that with Alfie 😂 I can only ever touch his head/neck when he allows it!

Alfie gets to join me upstairs whilst I work from home as I got a second cage for him. He seems to really enjoy it. I've noticed that he's getting more confident about vocalising and trying new words/sounds as well, which is great. He regularly joins in on my work calls 😂 On quieter days I let him out in the room so he can stretch his wings and get up to mischief. He has a java tree and a shelf to play on and he often perches on the back of my chair. He also has a play area on top of his cage but he's still a bit too scared to go up there at the moment! Currently I work from home 3 days a week and I'm really grateful for it because it allows us to spend so much more time together.

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I have never been so thankful that Alfie has never learned to swear until I started working from home regularly 😂

Although he does seem to save his best fart/burp noises for when I'm on a call... 😑 Not sure which is worse!!!

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So thrilled you guys are still here, and Gracie is still a cuddlebug.  As Dorian has gotten older he's allowing less and less scritches.  Plus I could never touch him on his belly or under his wings because he starts regurging for me.  Give her a tickle tickle from us.

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