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Parrot Nutritional products


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I'm not going to advertise for anyone, but after the issues I've had with Sukei lately, I decided to try something, and even though I don't believe 99% of the crap I read about parrot additives on the internet, I decided what the hell, and ordered some feather "Enhancing powder" off Amazon.

I swear after 48 hours he stopped picking his feathers, doesn't try and bite me as much and over all seems to be in a more calm state of mind (no more biting his toenails either)

He doesn't seem as pissed off as usual.

So without turning this into an advertisement thread, and please don't mention specific products, have you guys ever bought anything "Claiming to calm Parrots" and get them to stop picking at themselves?


I figured I just wasted some money but had nothing to loose. He was really making me think, there is something else I can do.

I took Spring time into the thought process as a lot  grays seem to loose their minds in spring with the horny deal, but he started to act up in mid winter.


I just cant explain the change in him, and it's not just my perception of the situation, but the folks that interact with him, that have no Idea I changed anything I was doing.

Also keeping in mind he is an African grey, as in, he came from Africa and not domestically bred, and I dont know if that has anything to do with it, but tried to consider all the variables.


Anyways just curious as to anyone that tried something like this with supplements and your experiences.

Keep in mind this is not a Parrot on a sunflower seed diet, he gets the high dollar nutritional feed, fresh fruits and vegetables and everything the experts recommend, and then some, apples, grapes, oranges, lettuce, corn, he eats more healthy stuff then I do. LOL


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I don't have any pluckers (yet) in my flock, so unfortunately I don't have any first hand experiences to offer. There are some avian organic teas on the market that are believed to help birds experiencing various behavioral issues. I actually use some of those teas to steep grain blends for some of my freeze dried products.

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Same here, that is a problem I haven't dealt with. I'm trying to remember, there was a long time member here who used something and said it worked. Was it Dee? Maybe if Talon sees this she will remember. At any rate, if it isn't harmful (and I'm sure you've done your research) and it works, that's great news!

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Glad you found something that helped!

Alfie over-preens on his sides under his feathers so they look a little tatty, but he doesn't seem to pluck. They just look messy as opposed to ripped out. So I don't have much experience in this area.

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