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Spring time


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I've noticed this with Sukie before in the spring time, seems to get out of sorts, read some place they get horny in the spring.

I don't know if this is true,  but I do know this year it seems to be exacerbated. He just turned 8 years old.


I find I have to sit down and talk to him in a quiet voice to get him to mellow out.


Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter?


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Alfie had it BAD a couple of years ago. As soon as I walked into the room he would start fussing and trying to regurgitate. I had to be really careful and had to walk away and stop talking to him so many times. I also had to be careful what foot toys I gave him and had to remove some jingle balls because he kept treating them like eggs. Last year he went the other way and decided I was no longer his favourite human and would fly to the back of my head to bite it. He also stopped taking treats from me and stopped allowing me to scratch his head. He tolerates me and that's about it. We still haven't fully recovered from that episode. In his defense, I did cut my hair off and have a load of redecorating/refurbishment done to the upstairs of the house (not where he lives) so there was a lot of change and upheaval during that time.
On Saturday evening he flew to me and sat on my leg for a nap- that's the first time he's done that in a long time. I was so happy I didn't dare move in case I ruined it! 😂

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  • Oh that regurgitate thing. Corky will do that and that`s how I know it`s time  to walk away.
  • She will be 20 years old on Dec. 5 of this year.
  • Some times she is a sneak and will wait until she is on my shoulder be for she brings op a treat for me and will even try to put it in my mouth (yuck).😒
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My 2 greys,  both will be 15 years old later this year,act up and misbehave more than normal in the spring. But Nilah my amazon..that's a whole other ballgame...since she was 3 1/2, we have quite a time with her in the spring..I won't go into the details..but to say whe finds ways to "satisfy" herself anywhere..on the blanket, my shoulder your arm...it can be wuite embarrassing listening to her...she also gets more aggressive..All 3 of them will fight more over territory so I have to keep a watchful eye all thru spring when they are out.   Nilah is 12 years old now, I do see signs of her being horny (for lack of a better word) slowing down.  I hope this means the end is in sight, as I remember Ray, I think, telling me they calm down around the age of 12 or so...???

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One of my greys, Sydney, will start the head bobbing, regurg and wing drooping any time I even walk into the room. I can't ever pick him up without him going into a full on display of affection towards me. He also loves to head bob and regurg with one of his bells. Maalik will be 7 in July and to date hasn't started all this nonsense. Fynn is 2, so we have a bit of time before spring fever hits him.

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Mine is 30+ yo.  He still knows when it's Spring.  He has found uses for his toys and I know without looking what he's doing because of his special noises.

Mine is quick to regurgitate but will bring a little something up, roll it around in his mouth, and then decide 'nah, this is too good to share' and just re-swallow it himself.  A real tease, so, sort of a selfish lover.  

(Or maybe, after 23 years together, he just knows I am not a willing recipient of being fed parrot vomit... lol)

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Huey butchers his feet every spring.   We have to put him on haliperidol to get him to stop otherwise it will drag on all year.   He refuses to sleep on his perch, goes round and round in his cage in the dark.  It stresses us all the F out.  But after 3-6 weeks of the meds, he settles down and it's back to Huey normal.     So far I haven't had issues with GreycieMae (female).  Not sure if they suffer from it as much.

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Poor Huey, it must be tough for him (and you as well of course!)

Alfie always eats whatever he regurgitates. He hasn't done it for the last couple of years though as I'm out of favour. He never regurgitated for my housemate either, just me.

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