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So as you know, I have been having a biting war with Sukei.

I was doing the usual nightly routine (Sukei on perch, me cleaning cage) and I brought the perch over to the cage, and he stands on the door and waits for me to get the cage cover from the other room.

He proceeds to get off the door and climbs in the cage, (usual).

I go in the other room to put up the vacume, (usual)


I cover the cage as normal leaving the round hole open in the front, say good night and sit down start watching TV,  and Sukei starts with his usual "Gooood Night Daddy" "Sukei loves Daddy"

And my reply is usual, "Then why do you keep biting me?" LOL

About ten min later, I look up and see him with his head bowed and smashed up against the bars. (UNusual) 


Walked up to the cage, and Im thinking, because this bird is smart......he is baiting me in for a try through the bars LOL.

I chance it, started petting the top of his head with one finger, and he just sits there like that letting me pet the top of his head through the bars LOL for like 2 or 3 min.

He backs up and says "Gooood Night Daddy" "Sukei loves Daddy" 


You never know what these birds are going to do or when, still amazes me.

I think we will leave it at that for a while, all my flesh has healed :)

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It's a great feeling when you finally have some kind of breakthrough like that.

Alfie has started flying to me again recently after mostly ignoring me for weeks and weeks. He's still not accepting head scritches from me when he's in his cage. But I'll take whatever I can get. :)

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Huey got me on the lip last night.  Ripped it good.   To me he's so cute I can't resist him but he knows he can sucker me in and get me.  My wife can cuddle him, kiss him, roll him over, snuggles...I get nothing but sucker moves.   I'm lucky though, my GreycieMae is so pliable, she's my little sweetling.  I can do anything with her.

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10 minutes ago, SRSeedBurners said:

Huey got me on the lip last night.  Ripped it good.   To me he's so cute I can't resist him but he knows he can sucker me in and get me.  My wife can cuddle him, kiss him, roll him over, snuggles...I get nothing but sucker moves.   I'm lucky though, my GreycieMae is so pliable, she's my little sweetling.  I can do anything with her.

You just posted the exact situation I have minus one Grey. LOL

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There is no time like Grey time.

I have had Corky for almost 20 years now and there is nothing hat she dose that will surprise me.

She is ever changing in her actions and when you least expect it comes up with something new.

There are times they want it their way and there is nothing you can do to change that. It`s their way of showing their independence.

A grey is like a child. You just love them for who they are.

When they say the time is right, well you know the rest.

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  • 1 month later...

I guess the war is over, which surprises me because it is spring time. Sukei rides on my shoulder again, lets me scratch his head. and when he does bite, its a tap, just an "Im here thing" 

I dont get it, but it is what it is.


When we first rescued him as a tot in the middle east when he was strong enough to stand, I was the first one he would let ride him on my shoulder......we called it the pirate LOL.

8 or so years later, back to square one.


I guess Ill never understand.

Maybe thats how it is supposed to be. :)




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Well, I was premature.......while playing pirate, he bit me in the eyeball LOL, and I'm surprised i'm not angry with him, bottom left lid, and now it looks like Rocky punched me in the eye....LOL, guess i'm lucky he didn't hit the Iris.

Surprisingly, I am not angry with him, it was my fault letting my guard down prematurely.


Back to the drawing board :) Anyone got some aspirin? :)

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Ouch, that's rough.

Alfie is a "no shoulder bird" for that very reason. He has bitten ears in the past and I'm always worried about eyes. I envy anyone who has a parrot that will sit nicely and calmly on their shoulder. Alfie gets bored and starts seeking out ears quite quickly!

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I got to thinking about it, right and wrong is an abstract construct that animals cant comprehend, you cant really be pissed over an action that an animal does because they cant understand the concept. They are conditioned by the carrot and the stick. They react only by what they know, one action gets them what they want, and one action takes away something they want.


I digress :)

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Ouch, that looks painful. You are lucky to still have your eye.. I do allow my 3 on my xhoulders. However, I always keep my face away , unless Rikki signals do a kiss..but 99 % of the time, my face is turned away..you can never be too careful 

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You know I read an article, I cant remember from where, but it said Greys only bite in captivity. Not really sure how they tested the metrics on that or confirmed the findings, but at this point in my research is becoming painful LOL

SO to all those folks it the the thread "The parrot bite me club" don't take it personal, I sense no malice on his part, and probably those it has happened to, there inst any malice. 


I'm going to give it a break for a while start again at the beginning later.


It kinda makes you wonder, if the famous Einstein bird ever bit anyone, I imagine if he did, they wouldn't say, bust up his reputation LOL.

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