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Confessions of a parrot


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I'm sure it does. I'm sitting here listening to Timber munching cardboard on top of his cage, wondering if he's happy. I know I'm at least his third home, and hope things are better for him now. I don't think he misses flight, because he doesn't fly. I don't think he ever fledged. Did he come from a "parrot mill?" I will never know. Does he know how much I care for him? Probably not when I'm toweling him twice a day for seizure meds. Does he understand at some level that I'm sticking that nasty stuff in his mouth for a good reason? Doubtful. How does he feel when I'm giving him his bowl of sweet potatoes, peas, beans, eggs and rice mix? Does he wonder why I don't give him the nuts and treats he craves instead? Does he know how proud I am when he says a new word or phrase? Does he know I excitedly tell all my friends about his vocabulary additions? Probably not.

Still, at the end of the day when he's perched on my arm and pushes his beak into my stomach for some intense face scratching, I know we at least have trust.

Musings of a rehomer.

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On an instinctual level I believe these smart lil ones know  when you are helping them. I, too, am pained feeling that I'm not doing enough for them. That it'll never be enough.

Even so, my birds seem to be  happy and healthy. Some came from bad pasts while others I've had since they were babies, and this is all they know.

The ones that are caged day in and day out with little interaction and being given horrible food fills me with deep sadness. We owe them so much more.

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Oof that video hits hard. Which is obviously the point. It's very well done.

I'll be the first person to admit that I haven't always done right by Alfie by giving him the attention he needs all the time. He was always fed and watered with plenty of toys but it was my time that he was lacking on occasion. I did consider re-homing him at one point but figured he hadn't chosen to be in this situation and it was up to me to change things up to suit him.  It wasn't fair to just give him up when I was the problem. So I have worked really hard over the years to improve things for Alfie. When I moved and bought my first house I picked it based on how well Alfie would fit in and how he could be centre of attention. I'm still not perfect but I think we're both happier with how things panned out.

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