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Any parrot holiday traditions???


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I've always popped some popcorn for my parrots for the holidays.  No salt, no butter -- just air popped.  A big hit always for my grey!  (It's not a treat he usually receives, since I'm not a big popcorn fan -- I only rarely have any).  But the breeder I got my parrots from always did this on Christmas day for all her parrots, and I just sort of kept up the tradition.  22 years and my grey has never missed out on some Christmas Day popcorn!  🥰  (Actually, longer than 22 years since breeder also did this before I got him).

What are your parrot traditions???

Hope everyone here has a lovely holiday -- whatever holiday that may be!!!  Happy New year and hope you and all your pets & feathered companions will be happy and healthy! 🥳

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I haven't done wrapped pet gifts in ages -- but I do remember Snickers could certainly unwrap his own gift!  But only to receive a scary new toy.  Life.

Worst year ever I wrapped up container of catnip for the cats... um, long story short (and destroyed house later) the cats, um, sniffed it out early.  But yannoe, the cats, not being sure exactly which gift actually held the tantalizing scent, messed up a LOT of other gifts and decor before they hit pay dirt.  Cats, whatcha gonna do? 

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Not sure it counts as a tradition or not, but I always try to take Alfie with me to my parents house on Christmas. I then sleep over at theirs and he gets to help eat the Christmas dinner and boxing day dinners. (He likes my mum's cooked veggies but doesn't touch any that I cook for him... favourtism!! 🙄)

I say 'try' to take him with me because I have to convince him to get in the travel cage first. He's getting better at it but in previous years I have had to leave him at home because he took himself back into his cage rather than going in the travel cage then refused to come out! This year he stepped into it on the first time of asking, which is a first! When it happened I was so shocked I said it was a Christmas miracle! Normally he likes to give me the run around before getting in it.

I can't wrap presents for him because he loathes wrapping paper. He growls at it. He wasn't too bad with it this year when I was wrapping presents because I used brown paper rather than the usual stuff, so it looks, moves and sounds different I guess. However, I didn't buy him any toys because he has quite a few new toys that he hasn't touched yet. I'm also planning on getting some food, treats and new perches in January.

The cats got their Christmas present early at the start of December- they got a new cat tree!

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