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Cheese glorious cheese


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HRH Inara's favorite treat in the whole world is a bit of cheese. She only gets it when she is in her home with the door shut, hence her always either scurrying really fast to get back into her cage at the end of the day, or her grabbing onto my shirt and scurrying further up my shoulder as I take her home and saying, "cheese," if she has not seen me get it prior to taking her home.

Yesterday morning she was out on her tree, and cheese apparently came into her mind. She was saying to herself, "I like cheese. Cheese cookies." Then she hollered to me while I was in the kitchen cooking oatmeal, "Get the birdy a cheese."  I hollered back, "I am cooking oatmeal. Do you want to share some oaties?" She replied, "With cheese?" 😂

She's currently perched on one of her perches in here with me as I type, just contentedly preening away. It won't be long though before she slides down the perch pole and walks over to her home to putter around for awhile. She waits for me to clean it, change her waters, and put fresh dry food and fresh fruit and veg of the day before she heads home. Our beloved dog, and her friend, Dezi died two years ago in April, and so now we have an open cage door policy during the day when I am home. Prior to that, I would only have her out and about if I was in the room with her and Dez. Every once in awhile when she hears the bells on the door ring she will say, "Dezi?"  Tugs at my heart.

Our fids are so smart, sensitive, funny, witty, pranksters, tyrants, and lovebirds. Sometimes when I look at her my heart just feels like it will burst with all of the love and amazement it holds towards her.

Have a peaceful Memorial Day, our US friends. Today, here, I think of our Dave aka Dr. Flock, KittyKittyKitty, and others whom have passed from our Grey Family and send up silent thanks for having been so dedicated to helping others see the wonder in our beautiful fids.


Jane and Inara

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Yes my grey loves cheese too and she gets a little bit from time to time, I think its the only thing she eats that she never drops a morsel of.

Thanks for remembering our beloved Dave and Howardine, I don't think there are too many days I don't think about him and what a great help he was to all of us, he is sorely missed.

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I think it's in their genes to love cheese.  Both GreycieMae and Huey, who is picky, will beg for cheese and won't drop a single crumb.   GreycieMae doesn't eat cheese, GreycieMae inhales cheese.  This leaves Huey in a bad spot as she will then work her way over and start eating his cheese right out of his talon.  It's funny to watch him try to keep her out of his cheese, keep his balance and not drop the cheese.  I have to give her the cheese in tiny little bits inside her travel cage so she can at least spend some time eating her cheese instead of swallowing it as fast as she can...and stay out of Huey's cheese.

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Hmm. I'm now peering at Alfie wondering whether he is in fact an african grey or just a pigeon with a painted tail... he is totally indifferent about cheese. Flings it across the cage if I dare to give him any.

The only treat he will do (nearly) anything for is cedar nuts.


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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Tali said:

I'm so scared to let them eat my human food,!just incase it's bad for them... what sort of things can I share with my two mischiefs 

I would suggest that you read the "Bird Food" forum here. Lots of great information all the way around complete with a list of what never to feed your birdies. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have avoided giving my CAG cheese. 

I remember too well one Bird Talk editor who editorialized her story of giving her 'tiel so much cheese that the vet had to remove cheddar cheese from parrot's crop's due to a severe/dangerously blockage of cheese.  The cheese just didn't "digest" or move along digestive track (or something).  (Probably an article from the 90s of Bird Talk).

I mostly remember her commenting that seeing all that cheese being removed in reverse was SO gross. 

I will research and then reconsider certain cheeses in VERY small amounts.....

It would be nice being able to share food dishes with my CAG containing cheeses.  As is, I have to offer some other treat to my CAG in order to eat a cheesy meal around him.

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I've spent years finding ways to offer non-cheese foods.  Perhaps the Bird Talk editor was feeding straight whole cheddar cubes in large quantities.  lol  Just made me be careful; but perhaps a liquid cheese sauce would be fine.

Edited by LNCAG
left out a word -- I'm human lol
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I will add, I can't see any dairy products as being a natural part of a parrot's diet. (Or a human's diet after weaning).

Not to say parrots don't enjoy treats as we humans do.  Like, um, french fries.  Obviously not a natural source of food for a parrot but loved nonetheless as a rare "treat."

I also understand they cannot tolerate/digest salt on the level human's can -- so I take salt also into consideration when offering treats.

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