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Jambit my African grey is lethargic today did go down to eat. However she seems to want to sleep. When she talks just talks like she is blowing. Little stumped as to what to do. The poop looks regular. Her eyes look bright when opened not puffing up. Would putting her in the sun help.

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If she is lethargic and her talking voice has changed from her normal, I would phone your avian veterinarian asap. Especially since she had recently gone through the problems with her foot and swollen leg. Better to be cautious and call. Hope it's nothing serious ❤️

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Went to a specialized avian vet highly reputable says not serious has some gastro infection did stool analysis and x-ray came back all good. They gave me flagyl,clopaman and envoret. As usual active at last night looked 80% better however this morning back to the same just sitting on the perch. Ate last night not much this morning. Had her meds threw up about 30 minutes later. Don't know really what to do at this point. Just let her rest? Everyone thinks I'm overreacting to the situation but I'd rather be proactive now than sorry in the future. In addition it cost a lot to have Jambit checked out these hospitals for pets are even higher standards than human care in South Africa LOL.

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Little better this afternoon moving around a little and eating which is a good sign. However she was the same last night and this morning was down. The Dr. said can't expect a rapid improvement in first 48 hours. But eating and moving up and down in and out of the cage gives me some optimism. I'll just monitor and see how she proceeds over the next 12 hours hopefully tomorrow will be greater improvement. Thanks again for your encouragement.

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I hope the meds help and that Jambit is back to good health very soon. Do keep us updated.

I definitely would have done the same thing and taken Alfie to the vet like you did. So I don't think it's over-reacting at all!

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She was very lethargic yesterday, however did eat little in the morning and appeared going to sleep while eating. So I just drove back to a specialist avian vet 60 km away. She picked up suddenly which shocked me and the Doc they try to disguise how sick they are a unfamiliar environments. Anyhow after 2 days of meds enrovet, flagyl, clopaman was very up and down situation she has now a yeast infection. So best I leave her in the hands of the specialist who are going to give something to treat the yeast infection and increase the dose to control the infection. I must say all that I read on line Jambit never showed the breathing discomfort or the blueish tint around the eyes. She still tried to eat and was amazed in her spaced out state how she landed back at the top of her perch and her amazing perseverance to eat. Yeah its been a very stressful last 5 days but my baby is a fighter ..... more when I get updated later today thanks everyone for your kind thoughts.

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This morning report was stable & comfortable from the vet. This afternoon a mild improvement reacting to people and food. Had all her meds and crop fed.

My little girl on the way to recovery but I understand going to take awhile. Say should be ready for me to take over late afternoon tomorrow. Big thanks again for all the thoughts & prayers.

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Anyone out there know about adding the supplement moringa to an African Grey diet if it had the same benefits. It is a very powerful anti occident with traces magnesium iron calcium vitamin a  from beta caratene b6    riboflavin b2  cand bioactive plant compounds quercetin chlorogenic acid lowers inflammation cholesterol protection against asenic poisoning toxicity, essentially its a wonder supplement.

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I personally haven't heard of it. I use avian teas, of which one is specifically designed to help boost the immune system. Graywood Manor Tea is the name of the company. I put it into my fids' birdie bread and also have a separate bowl for the steeped tea. Some use it in place of their water, but I like to have options.

You might want to check out all the different blends of teas they've created specifically for our birds.

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Thanks I'll certainly check it out. Good idea as Jambit tends to turns things into a soup. Jesse my younger Grey she or he is just plain rebel plain straight forward eater not daring at all. However sometimes Jambit has an influence when sees her eating everything. They do like the darjeeling however too caffeinated.

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Thanks for the update. Hopefully the vets can help and Jambit will be back with you and causing mischief very soon!

I personally wouldn't recommend adding any supplements unless it is mentioned by an avian specialist. I also wouldn't add anything unless it is designed/made for birds. (e.g I wouldn't add human supplements to Alfie's diet).

Speaking of teas... I have started Alfie on an avian tea (from here: https://www.northernparrots.com/pollys-natural-deptpollys_natural/ ) and he seems to enjoy it. I brew it in a cup and let it cool then just let him have it straight from the cup. He seems to like it so far, but he's only had it three times. I went for the 'golden blossom' variety because the others were out of stock.

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Well some fantastic happenings! I woke this morning to go and check on Jams. And not much of a change since the time from Sunday at the hospital. She looked like she was really on the way out at the bottom of her cage. However was still trying to eat but falling asleep and nearly fell over in her bowl. So I dreaded the idea of having to give her all her meds as the stress might finally be the end. After her meds I put her back in the cage and covered her so she could sleep. Around 1pmchecked on her under the cover there she was made a little weird noise. She seemed very interested in what I was eating so I gave her piece of pasta that had Cheyanne Pepper and Moringa and just ate like she had to make up for 5 days of starvation. So I have my bird back at the top of her cage doing some serious preening. Yip Jambit the fighter is back! Thanks everyone. 


Edited by Pbaum
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YAY!!! Am so very happy to hear such great news! My Inara just also recovered from a yeast infection. She was on antibiotics and antifungal meds for about 2 weeks. She really rallied after only about 3-4 days and the rest was smooth sailing. Here's hoping that your Jambit continues to get better and better! 🕊️

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@PbaumI can't recall the name of the antibiotic, but the antifungal was nystatin given orally daily. I just placed two-three drops on a bit of porridge every morning and she loved it. She went from plucking like crazy to completely settling down with a few days. I kept the treatment up for 14 days. The antibiotic was given because she had a secondary infection likely caused by breaking the skin a bit with her beak when plucking.

Edited by Inara
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Thanks! The doc said will only use the nystatin as the last line of defense as its an intrusive medication. I'm on day 7 today its a roller coaster day 75% spaced out looks like she will just fall over or on her last then she magically starts eating non stop. I make sure all her foods got a fine dusting of cinnamon, cayenne and moringa so she ingesting serious dosages of vitamins. She is weak as expected like any human would to one would suppose. I'm determined for her to win this battle, her personality is one such fearless and tough. Lets see what today brings she is currently in the bedroom bathed in full sun light and picking through her food bowl. 

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This must be so worrisome for you. You are doing all that you can and are taking great care of her. As you said, she is fearless and tough, and she is in great hands. So glad that she is eating. For the first few days of treatment, HRH Inara rested and snoozed a lot as her body was letting the meds do their job. Sending lots of love to Jambin and lots of wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

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Yesterday was the best day in last 8. Today had all her meds quiet taking naps and ate a granadilla little oats with cinnamon and Moringa and had a nice little sun bathe. She traverves up to the top of her cage and down to the bottom so I'm happy. Not yet talking just squeeking sounds. Anyhow she has out attention 24/7

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