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Jambit Swollen Foot


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Jambit my African grey developed a lump on her foot over night. The previous day I had bought a new perch was rough that had grit on it.

Over the week I monitored the situation  she was favouring the foot however still moved around the cage with some hinderance. She was still herself

interacting with everyone. I started getting concerned as the foot had a ring on it where the swelling was and  took her to the vet.

The vet removed the ring and gave me Doxybiotic. Over the last couple weeks not much has changed bird is the same walks around with curled claws.

I give the bird a warm Epsom Salts foot bath 2x a day. The leg swelling has reduced to almost normal but the foot is still slightly swollen on the front and she does use

the foot to sometimes hold food not large items. The bird has a 6th sense about medication no matter what I give she knows. I disguise with peanut, butter yogurt, potato 

or rice. The one index is facing the front instead of holding the back of the perch. Seems to have movement when I touch it. I can't figure how this whole incident happened

and what should be my next move. Any insight would be appreciated.

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Am not sure, other than perhaps some of the grit from the new perch became imbedded into her foot. I'm assuming that you removed the perch after the swelling was detected?

After this much time and still having some swelling, you might want to consider taking her back in so they can take another look.

And yes, they do seem to know when you're attempting to disguise medication!

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Sorry to hear that Jambit is having a rough time with her foot! I'm afraid I can't really offer much advice. I think if you still have concerns and it doesn't look like it's getting better I would take her back to an avian vet to have it checked out again.

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Thanks everyone for your help! I'm persisting with the Epsom Salts. Swelling has come down significantly, swelling on the leg has gone still has a limp

and favouring the foot evry once an awhile however her demeanor his her happy self. Have deduced that the rough grit perch I recently got must have got an infection. I returned to the Pet Supply store and told them that this item should be removed from the shelves as I think it could be a hinderance. They happily took my suggestion and removed them. So will let you now how we progress .

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