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Whistling not talking


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Hey, so my girl likes to whistle but so far not interested in talking words...

is it true that since she whistles she probably won't lean to talk? 

I'm waiting on my next baby to be ready to come home also ... will he learn to talk from her and also not learn to talk? 


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How old is the whislter?   Mine started talking a tiny bit in her first year but was a big whistler.  She doesn't talk at all now.   If you talk to the new baby and he's got it him to talk I don't think the non-talker will have any bearing on whether the new one talks or not.

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Oh ok kool yeah I love her whistles but my uncle made me worry cos with smaller partakes he reckons if they learn to whistle they won't talk.

shes only 8/9 months old so still young az

the boy I'm getting is not even weaned yet

cant wait to bring him home 😊

end of the day if either of them don't talk I'm ok with that but it would be cool i they do one day just answer me back ahha!! 

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You have a good attitude, because there is no guarantee they will talk. Timber has a pretty broad vocabulary, but he seldom uses it. I wish I knew what goes on in his little birdy mind... He says his name pretty frequently, especially when I'm getting treats out (like "don't forget me"). When I am in another room he tends to talk, which I assume is to try to tempt me back into the room he is in. That said, I can be with him all day and he never says a word. You just never know!

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My experience with Alfie is that he will learn whatever he wants to learn. 😂 He DOES talk but he prefers noises and whistles more- always has. He always prefers male voices so tends to pick up phrases said by males more often than females. 

He does seem to be practicing his talking more these days though and he'll be 16 years old mid April. I often hear him muttering away to himself in different voices- but only when I'm out of the way. I have no idea what he's trying to say.

He loves any loud obnoxious noises and will learn those as soon as he hears them... and repeat them often with gusto!

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On 3/29/2019 at 1:08 AM, Tali said:

Oh no! Just had a call.. the boy I was suppose to be getting turned out to be a girl lol! DNA 🧬 confirms it... the waiting game continues haha

Are you specifically after a male? Was just curious why if so. Are you thinking of trying to breed them?

I've often thought about getting a second bird but never really had a preference for male or female. I'm not even sure Alfie is definitely a male as I've never had him DNA tested. He could be an Alfina or Alfette for all I know. 😂

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As if totally Murphy's Law! In the last week ive herd some very off sounds coming out of Tali.... almost sounds like she's trying to say "hello", what u doing, I love you, woo hoo....

it sounds like complete jibberish lol! But the rhythm sounds right haha

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She will practice those sounds until she gets them down perfectly, it takes a while for them to become a master at it, so be careful of what you wish for and be careful of what you say, no bad words but sometimes its the tone of what is said more so than what is actually said that sparks their interest in talking, mine can mimic my laugh.

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It's so cute hearing them practice. I rarely know what Alfie is trying to say until he comes out and says it. But he rarely talks when I'm in the room with him, so I have to listen in when he's practicing to see if I can pick out what he's learning!

Since getting an Amazon echo he has been practicing more regularly. He picked up 'Alexa' within a month or so and says it often with gusto. So Alexa works as a little spy, as she will record what he mumbles at her afterwards. I can then play back the recordings and see if he's coming up with new words. 😂
I've also done a couple of remote training courses at home recently. Alfie was listening in as I was in the same room as him. He started mumbling along with the instructor at one point and had picked up the different accent (the training course was based in Manchester). So all his mumbles that day had a slight Mancunian twang to it. It was very amusing!

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