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I've been in my house for 5 years now and I desperately need to redecorate. I moved in with everything as was so all of the rooms need some TLC now.

My only worry is paint fumes and fumes from new carpets. I am planning on decorating my hall first and there is one door between the living room where Alfie lives and the hall. If I close the door and crack open the windows in the living room, will Alfie be ok or will the paint fumes still cause issues? I'm also planning on having new carpets fitted so I'm cautious about any fumes that might give off too.

I can't leave him in the outside aviary as its too cold.

He might be able to go in his travel cage and stay with my parents for a day or two, but he would be stuck in his cage as they don't know how to handle him so wouldn't let him out.

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When we paint, we wait for weather conducive to opening windows. I close the door to Timber's area and open the windows in the area we are painting and in Timber's area. That sounds like just what you are talking about. It hasn't caused any problems for him so far. On the other hand, if you have the option to take him to your parents it might cause you less mental angst to just do that! We don't have any carpet (all hardwood and tile) so I haven't had any experience with that.

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