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Pink leg feather


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Hi y'all! 

So my new baby girl Tali has one random red feather on her leg. She's only 4 months old and I was wandering when she goes through her first molt do you think this feather will always grow back pink/red? 

I think it's mega cute haha! I hope it stays 

sorry she was also chewing up a note from my doctor while I was typing this question haha! who needs a shredder when u have an African Grey 😂


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Hey y'all, thanks for your replies

yeah I absolutely love her little red feather! I do hope it grows back red when she molts 😁

and yeah I totally had that same thought about making it easy to ID her if she ever loses her leg ring.. or gets nicked 

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On the subject of leg rings... do any of you find your Greys constantly playing with it, biting at it. Lol sorry or do y'all even have bands on ur greys 😆😊

Random pic of the day haha! She loves my earrings, and nibbling on my ear lobes lol ... she's my little weirdo 😂 


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I had to get Alfie's band removed from his leg as it was rubbing and started to look like it was getting sore- that's the only time I've ever seen him poke at it. I asked my vet to remove it to avoid any issues/pain.

Edited to add- I had him micro-chipped at the same time so I still have a way to ID him if the worst should happen and he escapes the house.

Edited by neoow
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