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Introducing Cosmo to new perch


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Cosmo has been a member of our family for 25 years. Nothing has changed  except for some reason he suddenly he decided to chew up his perch’s and we had to purchase new ones.  Need advice on how to introduce them so he accepts the changes with no stress.



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If Cosmo strongly reacts to the new perch you could try leaving it nearby within his sight (but at a distance). I've found this sometimes helps when introducing new toys that Alfie doesn't like. I'll leave them near his cage (but not in or on it) so he can check them out and make sure they're not going to kill him. I usually find it's easier to then add the toy to his cage.

I've never really had a problem with perches though. I usually just add them in to his cage and he accepts them readily enough.

Hopefully it all goes smoothly for you! (and Cosmo)

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  • 2 months later...

We installed the new perch yesterday.  Only reaction was he went down to the bottom of his cage and stayed there for most of the day until we turned off the lights out and hubby saw him climb and up on his regular perch and he stayed there all night. This morning he ate and climbed back down and there he sits. Is he trying to accept the new perch in his cage but still cautious?  Wondering how long will it last.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Question... if you constantly get them used to new things when they are young will they still find it stressful to accept new things like new toys and perches as they age?? 

So far If I have something new, Tali can't wait to get ahold of it to investigate it, see what she can do to it... throw it, chew it up, hang off it, carry it around lol... 

Should I keep giving her all sort of new things while she's young to avoid issues in the years to come? Or does it not really make a difference?

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2 hours ago, Tali said:

Question... if you constantly get them used to new things when they are young will they still find it stressful to accept new things like new toys and perches as they age?? 

So far If I have something new, Tali can't wait to get ahold of it to investigate it, see what she can do to it... throw it, chew it up, hang off it, carry it around lol... 

Should I keep giving her all sort of new things while she's young to avoid issues in the years to come? Or does it not really make a difference?

Definitely expose your baby grey to as much as possible when they are young. Foods, toys, people, places etc. Obviously keeping it within the grey's comfort zone. 

Grey's can be notoriously change adverse. I am lucky in that Alfie isn't too bad. He has to observe new things like toys for a while but will take to them quicker than some. I have heard about some birds who won't accept changes to owners hair, makeup, nails, glasses etc etc. Alfie has gone through three cage changes and two house moves in his 15 years and he's always adapted to each one pretty quickly.

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Smart little cookie!

Absolutely introduce her to lots of things! Our Fynn is 6 months old and he's been introduced to a ton of stuff. The only thing so far that he's afraid of is me, believe it or not. He's fine with everyone else, except for me. But we're working on it. He adores the other young peeps in the household, so he gets tons of loving.

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