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Isaac Meets Casper the Baby Grey


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Okay, so I will be posting some pictures in a while, but I wanted to get the current status of affairs out there. This weekend, I brought a new grey into the home. Casper is just about 13 weeks and beginning to take his first flights. So at first, Isaac was pretty curious as expected. Slowly approaching. Then Isaac seemed to want to feed him. Then like....trying to nibble at his toes kind of...not playfully...but more like not even knowing what this new thing was and probing for a response. Then it looked like he wanted to pry the beak off of Casper. So.....so far have to keep them separate or under heavy supervision. I can;t figure out what Isaac thinks, but I feel like Casper needs to get his bearings more and well as Isaac getting comfortable with a new bird in the house. On all other fronts, Isaac seems like business as usual, the encounters are precarious. If anyone has any advice on how to get Isaac to play nice, pass it along.  I'll post some pics when I get back from lunch.






Edited by Elvenking
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For now, I am just going to be patient and let them interact under supervision. I will keep reinforcing that Isaac should just be sweet. LOL. It'll take some time, but we have it.  i'm doing all kinds of stuff with new baby that I wish I had done with Isaac, showering with me being one of them. Isaac loves the new set up, Casper is as curious as ever. Things are going good. Advice is welcome though. 

Edited by Elvenking
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Awww, that sweet baby face!   Looks like you have a great setup.  Once baby gets bigger he'll be able to protect himself.   I had to keep the reins on GreycieMae until Huey came out of his shell.  He then stamped his authority and he's the only bird she can't bully.  Greys can definitely take care of themselves against each other - when full grown.

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Oh look at that adorable little baby face!!

Congratulations on bringing Casper home. I've never tried introducing another bird so I don't have much advice for you. I'm only here to coo over baby bird photos. (And Isaac photos as well, of course!!!)

Hopefully as Casper learns more about his environment he can start to stick up for himself a bit and they'll both settle in together.

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Yeah, as many of you are suggesting, I am thinking it is going to take some time because Casper is still young and needs to get some more confidence. He is starting to fly really well. It is sooooo cute when they are learning to fly. It has only been 4 days. The challenge is going to be to give them both out time and to also keep them separated....soon to be two flying parrots.  I feel I am going to have to dig pretty deep for some strength...LOL. 


On a side note, of course Casper is a pure sweetheart and this time around, my daughter is really interested. She loves him up good when I am loving Isaac up. I make sure to keep my normal interactions with Isaac going while welcoming the new boy. It is challenging, it almost breaks my heart not to give Isaac 100%, but I think he is okay with it because I probably give him more than he wants sometimes anyway. If you have lots of birds.....tell me your stories...let me know any bits of wisdom for my journey. 

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For us, with 12 birds, it's all about structure. They know when they're going to be fed, what time of day they'll be let out of their cages, in what order they'll be coming out, and when I'll be interacting with them one-on-one. It's incredible how they've learned to expect what's up next.

Since they're all flighted, and not all of them get along, they're let out in 'get along' groups. They even know when, and in what order I'll be returning them to their cages, and will usually head back inside on their own when they see the order.

Birds truly are intelligent little beings!


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I would be lying if I didn't say that I often have this feeling that I made the wrong decision, but it is also way too early to tell. So long as when Casper gets older, he can hold his head up and either fend Isaac off or get along, I'd be cool with that. I just don;t want any parrots getting hurt. Keeping Casper close and Isaac under vision. I feel like working with them on the ground as they feel each other out might be helping. They were actually walking around on the floor together minding their own business, I was doing a mini celebration. Please send tons of hopeful thoughts my way, I need them. So scared that I am simply an idiot solving issues the wrong way.  The next step is to find my way into a larger house, saving up my down payment currently, will start the active search.

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Things are going really well. I had some doves nesting near my aviary so I have been waiting for them to leave so I can clean out the area and prevent returns. The doves outside now have chicks and I am sure that given the day I saw em, they should fledge and all leave in about 10 days. Then I get the use of my outdoor aviary\sun cage and that will also help me balance time with the boys. As soon as Isaac can fly again, I'll really have to balance the air space for a while. For now, I am keeping everyone happy and I really feel good about that. It's pretty much what I do on my off hours. I got all organized with vegetable bins I pull out of the fridge in the morn, all my veggie pre-cut and ready to go. My bags of chop all rolled up for the week. Containers for all the dry feed. Ordered bulk newspaper from ULine...600 sheets...I highly recommend...made cage changes so sweet. Isaac is still being Isaac...cute...sometimes cuddly, and funny. I think he might even be looking at the other bird and saying "Hi lil boyeee", I am optimistic. He is less startled now by Caspers flying..as Casper is really taking a liking to figuring out where I am going at all times. Super cute to have a little love sponge following me around again. So it's either Isaac is calm and preening so that I can have Casper out as well...or one of them is in for a little bit and the other is out. Have to go this way until Casper gets passed the early baby days. He is soo damned cute.

On another note, I peeked in the house with my cloud camera today and got a feeling of harmony when I saw them both playing with toys. That was the first moment that I thought maybe I have done something right in this.




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Glad to hear things seem to be moving in the right direction! Fingers crossed that they get along or at the very least, that they can tolerate sharing the same space! I know you'll give them both the time, love and attention they both need.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I WANT A BABY GREY!!!!  Ok, I got that out of my system.  Casper is do darn cute!  I think it's going to be fine, so long as you always treat Issac as top bird, feed first, out first, etc...  I know you know the drill.  I love the visual of two huge cages, and one small tv.  Speaks volumes about your priorities. lol  Have fun with your cuddler.  Just watch out.  They may join forces and plot to take over the home.  Oh wait, too late.

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