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Bird Mites From Doves and Outdoor Aviary


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Hello all. So I went ahead and got an Aviary for my patio. Very cool...built it over the weekend and it is on its way to being a cool little haven for my...soon to be two....African Greys. I was doing my laundry this evening when a guy was telling me about a case of bird mites he got as place.....could feel them on him and see them walking on his phone screen. He had them sprayed for and such...but it raised a major concern for me. I currently have nesting doves directly over the top of my new aviary. Should I run those Doves out of there and clean like a mother? Now that I am going to try to have my birds outside to get sun....now I am worried about them getting mites. Anyone have any experience with this and can help understand what precautions I should take. I am about to make some Doves very unhappy.

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Yeah, I am hoping this is a bit more rare than it seems. However, soooooo protective of my babies. Any possibilities get me worrying like crazy. I am not taking any chances though....going to lay down some plastic over the top of the cage where the dove nest is. When they fledge and vacate, I'll take measures to see they nest somewhere other than above the aviary just to be sure. From what I read, mites do not really want to leave the host bird, so it takes direct contact and some luck anyway. There are some scary links though. 

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I have an outdoor aviary & never felt the reason to worry about bird mites.  I do not leave them out there full time,but in the last 4 years, the only thing I watch if the wasps that may make it inside which I am right there to make sure they are gone asap.

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2 hours ago, Talon said:

I have an outdoor aviary & never felt the reason to worry about bird mites.  I do not leave them out there full time,but in the last 4 years, the only thing I watch if the wasps that may make it inside which I am right there to make sure they are gone asap.

Yeah, I am not planning full time outdoors either so I think it is a reasonable risk to take to give them outside time. I'll take some precautions though.

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I have an outdoor aviary now and the biggest problem that I have is that the spiders love it and keep building webs everywhere! 🙄

I also have birds landing on it and pooping everywhere as I haven't got the top covered. So before Alfie goes out I spray it down with the hose and then scrub it down with some f10 bird safe disinfectant, diluted at the highest level to kill as much bacteria as possible, then rinse it off with the hose. I'm mostly worried about possible diseases carried by the local birds/wildlife being passed on to Alfie.

The hose clears most of the cobwebs... the scrubbing brush gets the rest!

It might be over the top but I'd rather make sure I've done everything I can to prevent it.

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I talked to a pro bird-keeper and he suggests limiting the time out there or just waiting until the Doves fledge to really go for it, then take measures to make sure no nesting can continue there. They fledge in a couple weeks or so I'll play things real safe and take care. Thanks for all the responses. Cheers guys!

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12 hours ago, Elvenking said:

I talked to a pro bird-keeper and he suggests limiting the time out there or just waiting until the Doves fledge to really go for it, then take measures to make sure no nesting can continue there. They fledge in a couple weeks or so I'll play things real safe and take care. Thanks for all the responses. Cheers guys!

Sounds sensible!

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