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Yesterday my African Grey, Frankie a female of 19 years, stopped eating at sleeptime. Today she only drank some water. She just regurgitated it. She did the same about two weeks (13th of June) shortly before laying an egg. I took her to the vet then, he told me she has diarhea after he examined her poop. Since then her poop is brown not green despite finishing the medication the doctor gave her. Now she is back to sleeping. It is is not her first egg ( going on for 10 years at least she lays on and off every 6 months ). I have been feeding her calcium foods and adding supplements to her food and water since the last egg. I am afraid I am encouraging egg laying somehow. Where I live, Kuwait, there is only one avian vet the one she had seen lately. He did not even suspect the egg presence.

Now I am waiting for her to lay her egg.

I have another bird I think it is a male, I kept them apart since her last egg (13th of June).

I am not sure how to act in front of this regurgitation, I have only seen her do that these two times.

She regurgitated just water this time, last time there was food. I just presented her with water she took it 3 times. I put a water boiler next to her cage and I covered the side of the cage since I read steam helps her relaw her botox muscles to release the egg.

She just popped water since she is not eating. And she regurgitated her water again.

Edited by Radium
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Usually when they regurgitate food as a sign of affection they don't usually bring up only water and if she is not eating then its time to see an avian vet. The one you mention does not sound like they are very reliable so see if you can find a reputable one even if you have to travel some to get there. Her not eating is not a good sign so please get her some help asap and let us know what you find out.

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I'm afraid we are not trained vets so will not be able to offer much advice about what's going on here.

If it were my bird in that situation then I would visit an avian vet for a checkup. Changes in behaviour like that could potentially indicate a problem.

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